
Mittwoch, Jänner 14, 2009

New Years Eve 2009 - Linz 09

Hei folks,
a bit late, but here's a short report from new years eve 2009.
We (Maxx, Dres and I) spent this new years eve in Linz.
The main reason was the opening of "Linz 2009 European Center of Culture".
The special event startet ten minutes after midnight, it was not a normal
firework, it was a "rocket symphonie".

It started a bit weird, I guess that is the art part *gg*, but I also have
to mention that wie stand on the Nibelunger bridge and therefore we
didn't see the groundfirework.

However, even with some weird parts of this symphonie, I mean the "singing",
the whole show in the end was quite spectacular. We made some videos and
photos, but I will post you here a video which I found on youtube, because
I think the quality is much better, so here is a video of the last 3 minutes
of the rocket symphonie.

Nice, of course to be there was much more fascinating.
There have been about 130000 people, live music everywhere,
mainly on the main square.
I want to present you one of the performers, because I think they are
some kind of special. They are called Attwanger and they sing in
Upper Austrian dialect and with drums and traditionell instruments.
It's quite a cool mix. I didn't find any good quality live-video,
so I give you only the sound with some pictures, found on youtube.
Have Fun!

Especially live, they are great !!

The evening was quite nice, even when it already ended at three in the morning. (not much alcohol, a new experience for us all *gg*)
