
Freitag, August 29, 2008

Some Updates

Hi guys!

It's again a long time since writing.
At the moment I do not have any internet during the week,
so this situation does not make it any easier.

But here's now the update:
The idea of moving to Zwettl
(in the beginning only during the workdays)
was never my favourite one.
So I tried to find another job next to
my current one. So finally I would have found
one in Linz (near my hometown).
But in the end, today I decided, after a long
discussion and a lot of thinking, that I will
stay in my current company and will not take the new job.

The main reason for this choice was my job
and the topic I'm working on. I always wanted to
work on Security-Management and Business Continuity Management
and at the Security Competence Center I am the one
who is responsible for this.
The risk to have to do a job I do not like,
in the other company was to high, and I was not willing
to take this risk.

So I have to find a way to put
the private issues in correct order, the
job things are already.
I know it will not be easy to find a new
personal environment, but now I am motivated to
try it. If it will work, the future will tell us.

So long!

Samstag, August 09, 2008

My new job, my new town, my news

So, finally I'm willing to write some news, sorry for the long break, can't promise a frequently update at the moment.

After some days relaxing in carinthia, including biking, hiking, farming mushrooms and so on, I started working on 1st of August.

Here is the proof for the mushrooms:

So, as I told you, I started working on 1st of August.
Therefore I have looked for a flat in Zwettl, my worktown. I found a place in a three-side farmhouse. The first look it was nice and I loved it. But after spending three days in it, the good mood changed into bad one. The rooms stank, a lot of different kind of insects where living in it and last but not least, I had no good internet connection. So all together, it was horrible and I really felt bad there. I even felt so bad, that I thought about quiting my job there and left the town behind to leave back to my hometown.

However, I left this flat after four days and quit the "contract". I fled into a private guest room, and I can tell you, this one is really nice and I love it. So everything is getting better since then. Most of the doubts are gone and now I can enjoy my job.

So, about my job. I started my job at Raiffeisen Informatik at the Security Competence Center in the CERT-Team. My job there is Security-Management. My job is to implement Security-Management with customers (risk management, business continuity management) and that is what I really like and enjoy. As far as I can say after one week, the job is perfect, the colleagues are nice, the company is ideal, .. the only thing I need know, is a flat and a social life in Zwettl.
At the moment the best thing is the job, I hope the social and the living part will be better soon.

Some pictures from my worktown and the surroundings: