
Samstag, August 09, 2008

My new job, my new town, my news

So, finally I'm willing to write some news, sorry for the long break, can't promise a frequently update at the moment.

After some days relaxing in carinthia, including biking, hiking, farming mushrooms and so on, I started working on 1st of August.

Here is the proof for the mushrooms:

So, as I told you, I started working on 1st of August.
Therefore I have looked for a flat in Zwettl, my worktown. I found a place in a three-side farmhouse. The first look it was nice and I loved it. But after spending three days in it, the good mood changed into bad one. The rooms stank, a lot of different kind of insects where living in it and last but not least, I had no good internet connection. So all together, it was horrible and I really felt bad there. I even felt so bad, that I thought about quiting my job there and left the town behind to leave back to my hometown.

However, I left this flat after four days and quit the "contract". I fled into a private guest room, and I can tell you, this one is really nice and I love it. So everything is getting better since then. Most of the doubts are gone and now I can enjoy my job.

So, about my job. I started my job at Raiffeisen Informatik at the Security Competence Center in the CERT-Team. My job there is Security-Management. My job is to implement Security-Management with customers (risk management, business continuity management) and that is what I really like and enjoy. As far as I can say after one week, the job is perfect, the colleagues are nice, the company is ideal, .. the only thing I need know, is a flat and a social life in Zwettl.
At the moment the best thing is the job, I hope the social and the living part will be better soon.

Some pictures from my worktown and the surroundings:

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