
Montag, Juni 16, 2008

Short trip to Gmunden

Actually we planned last Saturday to go to my future hometown Zwettl, to check some appartments and houses, but last minute we decided to make a short trip to Gmunden at the lake Traunsee.

It was very nice, we (Rainer, Birgit and me) enjoyed it a lot, even when the weather was not the best, here are some impressions of the beautiful lake and town:

I do not have more, sorry. But I guess it is enough to get a bit of an impression.

My new PC

After assembling a lot of PC's for my friends, I finally can effort me my own new PC. I wanted to buy it when I start working, but I can't wait any longer. So here is the configuration of my new masterpiece.
  • AMD Phenom X4 9850 4 * 2,50GHz Black Edition (~185€)
  • ASUS M3A32-MVP Deluxe 790FX (~137€)
  • 4096 MB DDR2 RAM Corsair PC2-1066 Airflow (~99€)
  • GeCube Radeon HD3870 X2 X-Turbo Dual (~272€)
  • Seagate SATA II 320GB (~47€)
My friend Vik buys the same PC but also
  • LiteOn LH20A1S Sata DVD-Writer (~19€)
  • ASUS TA-883 Midi Case
  • 550W Power supply
Thats it, I'm looking forward to it, should arrive on Wednesday.
For those people who ask, why I'm using AMD when Intel's performance is better (at the moment), I already described that issue here.

I decided to buy me a high-end graphic card this time. The HD3870 X2 is a dual GPU card with two HD3870 graphical processor units on it. It is nearly the same when you put two single HD3870 cards in the system and run them in crossfire mode. But the X2 performance should be a bit better, when all the reviews I read so far are true.

The graphic card looks like this:

I would say, it's a monster ;)
And for normal users or "sometimes" gamers it is too hardcore, the HD3870 will do it for those people. Martin for example is very happy with his card and he is playing a lot, also Assassines Creed, which is one of the newest games with high graphical performance needs.
I don't know why, but this time I want a "dual-GPU" card, because this is the age of multiprocessor PCs ;)

Of course you can wait until the new generation of graphic cards will appear. The release should be at the end of June or at the beginning of July. But as the past tells me, new cards are always more expensive for some month. And the dual GPU cards will be released later anyway. So maybe it is better to buy the actual cards, because they will get cheaper when the new generation is released. (ATI's new generation will be the 4800 family based on RV700 chipset)

And here is the motherboard:

As you can see, theoretically it is possible to put four graphic cards in it ;)
But be aware, if you put two cards of the above mentioned card HD3870 X2 in you PC, you already need a 700+W power supply ;) have fun !!

Montag, Juni 09, 2008

My new Job

Finally I made my decision for my new job.

It took me a very long time and a lot of inner-family-and-friends discussion to finally decide. I have been to a lot of job interviews and I had some offers for a job, but finally I decided to become a Security Analyst at Raiffeisen Informatik (R-IT).

My main job area there will be Security Management, but with the chance to work in other security areas as well. It is the security competence center of R-IT.
One of the main decision points was the location, where this agency of R-IT is located. It is in the Waldviertler town Zwettl. It is a very small town with no big towns nearby. I always would like to live on the country side, but always with a big town in range ;)
However, I have been there meanwhile, and it made a really good impression. So now I am looking for a flat or house to rent and I will start in August.

Not only the town was a decision point, also a lot more things. The whole package has won in the end. I'm looking forward to start my job there and I hope I can integrate in the town community. I will keep you up to date.

Trip to carinthia

Again I fled to carinthia to do some work for my master thesis.
Yes it is still not finished! unfortunately
As you have read before, the last weeks wasn't easy for me,
this is not an excuse, but it should explain my motivation
about the things which are really important in life.

However, I have been to carinthia for one week
and I found my love to make photographs again.
So I picked up my cam and made some nice macro-pictures.

What I like about macro-pictures is, that you have to enjoy the
small things, move around with an open eye and an open mind.

Here are some examples:

Maybe I will make photographing my new hobby, I just like it.

In Memoriam

There is a sad reason why I didn't write for so long.

My beloved father died on 21st of May way too early in the age of 64.
Thank you father for all you have given me and all you have been,
I miss you a lot!

We have chosen this phrase:

"You can grieve for him and feel bad,
or you can think about the good times with
him and smile"

There is a reason why I have chosen this phrase,
you always should think about the good things you had
and not about the good things you will not have anymore.
Life goes on and you have to move on in your own life,
stay strong and always keep the person in your heart.

with love
your son