
Sonntag, Jänner 20, 2008

How is it going?!

That is a question I hear a lot in the last few days. Thanks, I'm doing fine. Even when I have hell lot of work to do and Finland still is in my mind.

How is it going?
That what I ask you now. How are you doing? Tell me.

Some also asked me if the blog ends now, after my study abroad. I have this blog since 1,5 year now. My study abroad was just a part of it and the blog will therefore not end !!! The frequent of posting entries will be a bit bigger, so I recommend you using RSS-Feed. And yes, the blog continues in English.

Would be nice if some of my friends out there continue reading and sharing there thoughts with me.

So what I'm doing right now. As I already mentioned, I have a lot of work to do. First of all I have to finish my work for the project, which I have to finish in one week. I also have an exam at the end of this month.

But work for the university is not all. I have to visit a lot of friends since my return, ok maybe that is not work,... but it is time. (well spent)
I also have to support a lot of friends and relatives with their PCs and Internet. That is work!! Believe me!! Questions like "How do I make uppercase letters" are common. And last but not least, yesterday I had to renew my parents aquarium, because the old one was leaking.....

I hope you all doing fine, let me know!

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