
Montag, Februar 04, 2008

There it is...

It's again a long time since my last entry. January is over, so is the real stress. Now it should be easier to find time to write some entries. So what did i do the last few days.

As I already mentioned most of the time in January did I spend on my pre-master thesis project. In the end I had 24 pages and it should be ok. But of course I did also other things.

One time I have been at a presentation from Ted Humphrey about ISO27001.
About Ted Humphrey:

"Ted Humphreys (FBCS CITP, CISM) is Director of XiSEC Consultants Ltd a UK company providing Information Security Management consultancy services around the world. He has been an expert in the field of information security and risk management for more than 27 years. ...He was the editor of BS 7799 Part 1:1999, ISO/IEC 17799:2000 and the 1999 and 2002 editions of BS 7799 Part 2 the ISMS standard. ..."
The presentation was very nice and the really good part for me was, that he confirmed indirectly, that my topic of the master thesis is well chosen, because it will be a relevant topic in the future. Good for me, hopefully!! :)

Some days after I visited a "Security projects fair" at our university. It was the first time, that every class from our security studies (computer and media security bachelor and secure information systems master) presented its semester projects. Before that we always presented only to the students of the same class and get the grade for that. Now it is possible for each year to see, what the other years have done.

I must say this idea is really good and the fair was very interesting. Some really good projects have been presented. One group programed a software which does load balancing with virtual machines without any interrupten (it is available open source on sourceforge, but did forget the URL). Another nice project implemented secure services over a mobile network. For example ordering a credit card per mobile and you can pay one minute after the order with your credit card on the phone. And a lot more interesting projects. Nice !

Ok, what else.

Last week there was my last exam (hopefully) in my study career. It was the cryptography2-applications exam. It was a bit more than expected, but it should be ok. Before that we presented our project. So finally I have all the time for my master thesis.

Ah, we also got the grade for Parallel Computing. I only reached a 4 (out of 5). It's not so bad, but 5 would be better *gg*.

Ok, the last thing for today. We have a presentation about Backups in my home town at the PCClub. We (Georg and me) do this for our organisation Hagenberger Kreis. I will give you a summary afterwards.

So much for today.... see ya!

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