
Samstag, Februar 09, 2008

Presentation for PCClub and new technical stuff

First of all, last Wednesday we did a presentation (in the name of our organization Hagenberger Kreis) for the PC-Club in my hometown. It was the second presentation about IT-Security. This time we had the topic Backup. First I was afraid that the topic is too small and we can not fill the planned 1-1,5h. But as it is, when it comes to presentations, in the end it took 2,5h.

First we presented basics like medias, where and what to backup and so on. Also we explained in details what is and how works incremental, differential and full-backup.
At the end we presented two tools to backup.

The first one was the Vista integrated backup and restore center. For (semi-)professionals I would recommend not to use it. Because it has some really weird things implemented. First of all it is not possible to choose a backup strategy. (increment, differential, full) Vista makes first a full backup and afterwards only incremental backups all the time. So it is not possible to make a full backup every Sunday and in between incremental.

But the weirdest thing is, that you can't really choose a directory or file to backup. Because the only choice you have is to choose a partition or disk and afterwards choose which kind of file types you want to backup. That it definitely strange !!! You don't believe me? Have a look!

However, the restore function has the possibility to restore only one file or a directory. (why not the backup function !!!??)

The second tool was one of my favourite -> Cobian Backup.
It is freeware and it is really good. It has everything you need, except backup on DVD. You can find it here Cobian Backup.
The feature list is really very nice and the upcoming version, which should be published soon, has even more features. But read the feature list on your own, I give you just some key words: FTP, encryption, compression, password, timestamps, files/directories/partitions/disks, and so on and on and on.....

Ok, let's move on to the new technical stuff.
Truecrypt released a new version. Version 5 brings some new stuff, but the most important thing is the pre-boot encryption.
Finally a free software encryption tool has a pre-boot feature. This means that you have to enter a pass phrase at the boot process and if someone steals your PC or hard disk, he can't do anything with it, because it is encrypted. Very nice!!
I will do it as soon as possible, but first I will do a backup of my important data, because there is always a small risk with this kind of software. In the worst case, you can't access the PC on your own *gg*. But it should work, I will give you some Input as soon as I know.

Vista User Account Control issue:
When I put my PC into my domain and "transfered" my local user to a domain user account, I had a problem with the UAC. Everytime it asked me to enter my Admin and password. Not like before just to click at continue, this time I really have to type it all the time.
I lived some time with this issue, until I solved it yesterday. I played with the user accounts and recognized, that my domain user is not in the list of the local users. So I made a new user. There you can say that this user is part of a domain. After I did that, everything worked find as before.

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