
Dienstag, Februar 05, 2008

Clinton vs Obama

I guess a lot of non-Americans out there watch sometimes the news about the "fight" Clinton vs Obama. Maybe because it's just funny how stupid sometimes US-Americans can be. I mean, come on, in which country can a men become president with having not the most votes ?! That's the American kind of democracy. (Ok, Austrians can be also stupid sometimes, especially when it comes to elections *gg*)

However, I think it is very important who becomes the next president, because the one they have at the moment is just embarrassing.

So, today is the "Super Tuesday" and US citizens can vote who of those two should be the presidential candidate. I think it is not easy anyway, but anything will be better than it is now. On one side is Hillary. A strong woman, who has the knowledge and the experience. On the other side there is Obama, "young" and dynamic, maybe the knowledge, but experience?? Difficult.

So we will see soon, how USA will decide. In the meanwhile you can spend your time with one product of the election campaign, the video "Yes we can", which is based on a speech of Obama, which includes a lot of supporting Hollywood stars. (I hope for them, the never will regret their choice, but it is the same for all supporting stars, also those supporting other candidates. (As far as I remember, some supported the actual president ^^)

Hmmm, by the way.... Yes we can is a good slogan, you can use it everywhere. For example conquering Irak....Yes we can!!! Yes we can!!! I hope they will not use it that way ;)

Some facts and your turn to vote:
Eco-Research US-Election monitor
Let the show begin!

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