
Montag, März 17, 2008

Paintball and other kind of painful things

Hey my friends!

Last Saturday some friends and I where playing some Paintball at this field.
It's a really nice field in an old four-edge-farmhouse. They will expand it soon with the inner side of the farmhouse and one part to simulate house-fights.
We were 11 people, some I didn't know, but in war there are no friends anyway ;)

The field has everything you need, from a tunneling-system to a tower, everything there. Our opponents were some kind of campers, so they always hide behind the wall and wait for the others to come. I didn't care, so maybe that was the reason that we lost most of the time. It was really funny and it didn't hurt that much (except next day, but this was the "sport" not the bullets).

Ok, what other painful things.... hmmmm
Actually I over reacted, maybe my master-thesis could be a painful thing *gg*. Or let's say Latex is a painful thing, it will not do what I want it to do. I work now for days to get the document in the shape I want it, but it won't work. Hopefully it will work soon, because I'm already one step behind.

Last Friday there was also open doors day at my university. It was also a nice day, because I like to show people around and the things we do. Most of the time I spent in the biometrics lab, where I showed people how to use iris scan, fingerprint scan and face scan devices. The funny part at the face scan was, we used some pictures of celebrities to compare with our users. The result was sometimes really funny, for example a couple, both compared with Paris Hilton, ... the guy was more Paris Hilton than his girlfriend *ggg*
My result, I do not really look like George Clooney, neither Bill Gates..... ;( *g*

Yeah, I had also a job interview on Friday. But more on that in another entry.

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