
Sonntag, Dezember 07, 2008

Two new free MMORPGs

Hey Gamers and especially MMORPGamers.
There are two new MMORPGs which I have to mention here, because they seem to have a lot of potential.

The first one is called "Runes of Magic". The graphic looks very nice and the gameplay seems to be interesting. The classes are as usual Warrior, Scout, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Knight. The only available race is Humans. The game is free, also the playing and it is available in English AND in German too, that's a plus. The open beta is starting on 15.12.2008 !!

The second game is "Requiem - Bloody Mare". It is a horror MMORPG and this is quite a new topic. As far as I know the only or first MMORPG which claims the horror topic. I tested it and I have to say, the graphic is really fine, and the game seems to have good potential.
Four races, each race two joblines (magical, combat) and for each jobline two classes. In the end there are 16 classes. It is only available in English.

Here is a video to the game:

The game is starting with age 17, so nothing for kiddies.

Have Fun!

Freitag, Dezember 05, 2008

Christmas traditions Steyr PART 3 - Christmas Market

Christmas market (Christkindlmarkt) is one of the most common and well known christmas traditions. It starts with the first advent weekend, sometimes even one weekend before.
They have a lot of stalls, starting with traditionell handicraft, christmas decoration, presents, sweets, eating and drinking.

Most popular drinks are Glühwein and Punsch. You have to drink it when you are in Austria during Winter/Christmas.

Steyr for example has one market in the town center, one in the city park, one in Garsten, and a lot more around Steyr.
You also find big christmas markets in Linz.

and a lot of other towns everywhere in Austria.

By the way, we already heard that Steyr is the Christkindl Town, but we have the Christkind also in person, here is the official Steyrer Christkindl:

We have a lot more to offer, but to tell everything would be to much for a blog, you will find information at Steyr Info and all over the internet. Have Fun!

Christmas traditions Steyr PART 2 - Christkind

As I mentioned in Part 1, the gift bringer in the most European and Christian countries is the Christkind.
Steyr has a part of the city which is called Christkindl. It is a pilgram location with a "holy" wax figures, stories tell that it has healing power.
However, Christkindl has also a post office, where everybody (of course mostly children) can send there christmas wishes straight to the Christkind itself.

Here is a photo of the post office:

Steyr also has a Christmas museum, kind of "rollercoaster" with really icky stuff. Here is a short "promotion" video.

So if you like this kind of stuff, you should visit it ;) For children it is nice for sure, I'm personally not really interested in that aspect of christmas *gg*. More to come about christmas traditions in Part 3.

In castle Lamberg we also have a advent/christmas exhibition, here is a video for that:

Christmas traditions Steyr PART 1 - Perchten

Steyr is a christmas town. Why? Because a place of pilgrimage next to Steyr is called Christkindl (Christkind). So we are the hometown of the Christkind in Austria. Therefore we celebrate christmas every year with a lot of traditionell celebrations.

One is called "Perchtenlauf".
We have Nikolaus (looks like Santa Claus, but is based on a real person called Nicolaus, he was a saint some hundred years ago). Nikolaus rewards well-behaved children, and the Krampus or Percht he comes for the not so well-behaved children ;)

Last weekend was this kind of Perchtenlauf in Steyr, here are some photos of this event (the photos are taken from made by Peter Kainrath:

I heard, that there have been about 680 (!) different Perchten-masks, they came from all around Austria and even Germany. Quite scary, but the children love them, some are scared at the beginning, but learn fast that this are only masks and underneath are humans ;)
This is one tradition, more traditions in Part 2.

Sonntag, November 23, 2008

It's all about (MMORPG) games

It's not a secret that I am a gamer. I like to play PC games quite for a long time now. Started back in the 80's with a really dumb console, then C64, Amiga, and so on until I ended up with PC-Games.

I played a lot of genres. In the beginning I have been more the Ego-Shooter type, for example Unreal Tournament (the first version). I played it for about 3-4 years quite intensively. Then some years ago I started to play a genre called MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online RolePlay Game). And since then I stuck in this genre ;) I'm not sure how long, but I guess for 7 years now.

What do I like on playing MMORPGs, ... a lot, hell lot of REAL people in the game. You can join a guild and play with others. Not really the social isolation as many think that pc gamers have. I get to know a lot of people during the years, some come some go, but with a few the friendship lasts for many years now. Some I didn't even met in real life so far, but we chat a lot by instant messenger and phone. We talk about everything, like I do with my "real life" friend next door. The only difference, I can not say, come on let's go for a coffee or a beer ;) (theoretical we could, but just ingame ;)

It all started with DAoC (Dark Age of Camelot). This game infected me with the MMORPG virus hard. I played it for some years and reactivated it later on for some month again. It was and is still one of the very best game in MMORPG, even when it is outdated and the graphic is not up-to-date. I still think about reactivating it again for some month ;)

In the last years the genre exploded and hundreds of games flood the market. Some come and go, some exist rarely and some attained cult status. I guess one of the worldwide best known is WoW (World of Warcraft). No, I do not play it, I had played it, but only for a year.
One strategy for game developers is, that the game and the playing is for free. This market has grown exponentially in the last two years. (Yes, normally you buy the game with the first month included and then you pay every month about 10-13€)

I think I tried nearly every free MMORPG there is, but the satisfaction was never for long. I tried Fantasy, Science Fiction, Pirates, and so on...
Here some free MMORPGS which I think that they are not bad and maybe for people who want to test the genre without paying:

1. Perfect World
This one is quite nice. The graphic is high quality and the game itself is quite good. I didn't play it for a long time, but my impression was a good one. It's a classical Asian fantasy-MMORPG. It is free to download and free to play.
To get an impression, here is a video:

2. Exteel
Something totally different, a good start for Ego-Shooter type of player to enter the world of MMORPG. It is a Science-Fiction "Shooter" with Death-Match, Capture the flag and so on, all known by shooter games.

3. Rappelz
Another Fantasy-MMORPG which comes from Asia. Free to download free to play. Here's a ingame video.

4. Flyff
Ok, this one is weird. In the beginning I got shocked of all this kiddy stuff jumping around, I would have quit if not friend of mine wanted to play it. After some time it was not that bad as it seems on the beginning. It is also from Asia and it is, let's say, colorful *lol*. It is not a graphical high-end game, it's more kiddy comic style *g*. But see for yourself.

This is just a mix of free MMORPGS there are a lot lot lot more, just search for them in Google, or for the german speaking community here is a link to Onlinewelten Free-MMO.
Guildwars, Metin2, Shayia, and so on and on and on and on...

So lets now come to the MMORPGs where you have to pay for the game and for the playing. Actually, when you compare those games with free to play games, you will see, there is a difference.

1. Age of Conan
It had some difficulties when the game starts, a lot of bugs and not enough content. Therefore the game lost a lot of players. But Funcom worked a lot in the last few month, and I can say it was worth it. The game is the best in graphic (and will be even better when the DX10 update is released - soon), the music, the atmosphere, just cool. The game itself is a Fantasy-MMORPG which basis on the Conan stories. It is one of the games I'm playing at the moment. The price for the game is at the moment 29€ and the month cost between 11-13€ a month. For that money you get free updates and content and so on. It has a really innovativ combat system, just to mention that and it is for 18+ because of the sex, blood and violence ^^
Here's an impression:

2. Warhammer Online
Another game i play at the moment, or let's say i can't decide which of those two i should play, and at the moment i have not enough time anyway.
Warhammer is very similar to World of Warcraft, ... when it comes to the graphic. It is just not good, I mean the graphic, but the game itself is quite good and has also some innovative features. The PvP-system (Player versus Player) is at the moment the best there is on the market. (my opinion) No wonder, because the game was developed by the makers of DAoC.
Here is the impression:

Ok, what does the future bring:
MMORPGs to come are Stargate Worlds and some other I just don't remember right now.

So, this was a "short" inside few to MMORPGs. Of course there are a lot of games I haven't mentioned, like lord of the rings online, world of warcraft, tabula rasa and so on and on and on,
but this would become a neverending story. Another good site for that topic is mmosite, so feel free to inform yourself in more details.

Try MMORPGs, online gaming is the future, and it is really nice if you find friend to play with. It is just another hobby you can have. but of course never forget your real life !!

regards and game on!!

Mittwoch, November 19, 2008

Merit Scholarship

Finally I took the last chance to earn a merit scholarship.
I got the e-mail yesterday, that I was granted
the merit scholarship for the year 2007/08 -> 726,72€
The second student of my year who "won" the scholarship
is Sandra, gratulations!!

I am really happy about it and I want to thank everyone
of my university for there support and the nice five years of study.

hoooray !!!

Murphy's Law

For those who don't know it,
one of my favourites, Murphy's Law.
And don't forget, Murphy was an optimist!

*No good deed goes unpunished.
*Leak proof seals - will.
*Self starters - will not.
*Interchangable parts - won't
*There is always one more bug.
*Nature is a mother.
*Don't mess with Mrs. Murphy
*90% of everything is crud.
*If you're feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it.
*All warranties expire upon payment of invoice.
*Where you stand on an issue depends on where you sit.
*Never eat prunes when you are famished.
*Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.
*If you try to please everybody, nobody will like it.
*A short cut is always the longest distance between 2 points.
*Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
*You will always find something in the last place you look.
*The chance of a piece of bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.
*No matter how long or hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.
*No one's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.
*The other line always moves faster.
*In order to get a loan, you must first prove you don't need it.
*Anything you try to fix will take longer and cost more than you thought.
*If you fool around with a thing for very long you will screw it up.
*A $300.00 picture tube will protect a 10 cent fuse by blowing first.
*If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
*Any tool dropped while repairing a car will roll underneath to the exact center.
*The repairman will never have seen a model quite like yours before.
*When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly.
*A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth.
*Everybody should believe in something. I believe i'll have another drink.
*Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.
*Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work.
*In any hierarchy, each individual rises to his own level of incompetence, and then remains there.
*You will remember that you forgot to take out the trash when the garbage truck is two doors away.
*The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet.
*There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.
*When in doubt, mumble, when in trouble, delegate.
*Anything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.
*It is morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
*A bird in hand is safer than one overhead.
*Murphy's golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules.
*Everything east of the San Andreas fault will eventually plunge into the Atlantic Ocean.
*Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
*The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlamp of an oncomming train.
*Celibacy is not hereditary.
*Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.
*Beauty is only skin deep, ugly goes to the bone.
*To know yourself is the ultimate form of aggression, Freudian Psychology.
*Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
*A smith & wesson beats four aces.
*If everything seems to be going well, you obviously don't know what the hell is going on.
*If more than one person is responsible for a miscalculation, no one will be at fault.
*In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.
*Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference.

Donnerstag, November 13, 2008

Career day at my university and my workplace

Just started working, but already presenting my company at the career fair at my university. There have been about 90 companies. The run to our stall was quite good, thanks all my study colleauges and students from CMS and SEC for there interests.

Here some impressions, made with my phone, so don't expect high quality:

our stall:

me and my division leader

I also want to show you some pictures from my workplace and the view out of my office. It is quite nice, maybe nothing special for some of you, but working there is smooth.

the view from our social room, I also call it the "living-room"

and my desk (the one to the right) YES, it is clean, not like home ;)

Let me see your workplaces guys !!!!
More about to come, still have some news about the graduation ceremony (but the photos not digital yet), so open your eyes for new news ;)


Security Competence Day

Two weeks ago I had to hold a presentation about Business Continuity Management in my company for some customers. The whole afternoon was dedicated to Security and therefore I presented BCM. The feedback was good, as the buffet was ;)

Some Impressions:

Me in action:

The clients:

The presenters:

Sonntag, September 28, 2008

Dit it !!!

Last Tuesday I had finally my diploma exam for the Master of Science. I was the last to go and in the end I did it sucessfully.

Official I can use my MSc. after the "Sponsion" at the end of october. So in the future it will be MSc. BSc. ;)

Thanks all for whishing me luck and the congratulations afterwards, your great !!

A day in Schönbrunn

Last Saturday I took a break of my intensive learning for my diplom exam, to meet Esther and Robert in Vienna/Schönbrunn. Esther and Robert also attended an exchange semester in Finland.

It was very nice to see them and the trip through Schönbrunn was even better, even when the weather was bad. Some impressions of our day at Schönbrunn.

The castle:

In the cafeteria, when some guest left some cake or whatever to eat, the birds are quite fast to get it ;) It just took some seconds until the cake was gone and it seems that it tasted.

Esther and Robert

and again in the tropic house:

Some Animals, I have to mention that the zoo is really nice renovated and a must see !!

It took us some hours to walk through and we didn't even see everything. It was very very nice and thanks Robert and Esther for the day and hopefully we see us again soon.

Freitag, August 29, 2008

Some Updates

Hi guys!

It's again a long time since writing.
At the moment I do not have any internet during the week,
so this situation does not make it any easier.

But here's now the update:
The idea of moving to Zwettl
(in the beginning only during the workdays)
was never my favourite one.
So I tried to find another job next to
my current one. So finally I would have found
one in Linz (near my hometown).
But in the end, today I decided, after a long
discussion and a lot of thinking, that I will
stay in my current company and will not take the new job.

The main reason for this choice was my job
and the topic I'm working on. I always wanted to
work on Security-Management and Business Continuity Management
and at the Security Competence Center I am the one
who is responsible for this.
The risk to have to do a job I do not like,
in the other company was to high, and I was not willing
to take this risk.

So I have to find a way to put
the private issues in correct order, the
job things are already.
I know it will not be easy to find a new
personal environment, but now I am motivated to
try it. If it will work, the future will tell us.

So long!

Samstag, August 09, 2008

My new job, my new town, my news

So, finally I'm willing to write some news, sorry for the long break, can't promise a frequently update at the moment.

After some days relaxing in carinthia, including biking, hiking, farming mushrooms and so on, I started working on 1st of August.

Here is the proof for the mushrooms:

So, as I told you, I started working on 1st of August.
Therefore I have looked for a flat in Zwettl, my worktown. I found a place in a three-side farmhouse. The first look it was nice and I loved it. But after spending three days in it, the good mood changed into bad one. The rooms stank, a lot of different kind of insects where living in it and last but not least, I had no good internet connection. So all together, it was horrible and I really felt bad there. I even felt so bad, that I thought about quiting my job there and left the town behind to leave back to my hometown.

However, I left this flat after four days and quit the "contract". I fled into a private guest room, and I can tell you, this one is really nice and I love it. So everything is getting better since then. Most of the doubts are gone and now I can enjoy my job.

So, about my job. I started my job at Raiffeisen Informatik at the Security Competence Center in the CERT-Team. My job there is Security-Management. My job is to implement Security-Management with customers (risk management, business continuity management) and that is what I really like and enjoy. As far as I can say after one week, the job is perfect, the colleagues are nice, the company is ideal, .. the only thing I need know, is a flat and a social life in Zwettl.
At the moment the best thing is the job, I hope the social and the living part will be better soon.

Some pictures from my worktown and the surroundings:

Samstag, Juli 19, 2008

Master Thesis finished

Hei folks,

sorry that I didn`t write for such a long time,
but the main reason was my master thesis.
I spent the whole days for the last one, two month
to finish my master thesis just in time.

So finally I finished it on 17.7 and delivered it on 18.7,
the last possible day.
The title is "Process model for holistic implementation of business continuity management and risk management"
You will find it soon on my website.
At the moment I`m waiting for the ok,
because until then, it is not sure that the university will accept it.

I will write more soon, because soon my second life in Zwettl will start.

Montag, Juni 16, 2008

Short trip to Gmunden

Actually we planned last Saturday to go to my future hometown Zwettl, to check some appartments and houses, but last minute we decided to make a short trip to Gmunden at the lake Traunsee.

It was very nice, we (Rainer, Birgit and me) enjoyed it a lot, even when the weather was not the best, here are some impressions of the beautiful lake and town:

I do not have more, sorry. But I guess it is enough to get a bit of an impression.

My new PC

After assembling a lot of PC's for my friends, I finally can effort me my own new PC. I wanted to buy it when I start working, but I can't wait any longer. So here is the configuration of my new masterpiece.
  • AMD Phenom X4 9850 4 * 2,50GHz Black Edition (~185€)
  • ASUS M3A32-MVP Deluxe 790FX (~137€)
  • 4096 MB DDR2 RAM Corsair PC2-1066 Airflow (~99€)
  • GeCube Radeon HD3870 X2 X-Turbo Dual (~272€)
  • Seagate SATA II 320GB (~47€)
My friend Vik buys the same PC but also
  • LiteOn LH20A1S Sata DVD-Writer (~19€)
  • ASUS TA-883 Midi Case
  • 550W Power supply
Thats it, I'm looking forward to it, should arrive on Wednesday.
For those people who ask, why I'm using AMD when Intel's performance is better (at the moment), I already described that issue here.

I decided to buy me a high-end graphic card this time. The HD3870 X2 is a dual GPU card with two HD3870 graphical processor units on it. It is nearly the same when you put two single HD3870 cards in the system and run them in crossfire mode. But the X2 performance should be a bit better, when all the reviews I read so far are true.

The graphic card looks like this:

I would say, it's a monster ;)
And for normal users or "sometimes" gamers it is too hardcore, the HD3870 will do it for those people. Martin for example is very happy with his card and he is playing a lot, also Assassines Creed, which is one of the newest games with high graphical performance needs.
I don't know why, but this time I want a "dual-GPU" card, because this is the age of multiprocessor PCs ;)

Of course you can wait until the new generation of graphic cards will appear. The release should be at the end of June or at the beginning of July. But as the past tells me, new cards are always more expensive for some month. And the dual GPU cards will be released later anyway. So maybe it is better to buy the actual cards, because they will get cheaper when the new generation is released. (ATI's new generation will be the 4800 family based on RV700 chipset)

And here is the motherboard:

As you can see, theoretically it is possible to put four graphic cards in it ;)
But be aware, if you put two cards of the above mentioned card HD3870 X2 in you PC, you already need a 700+W power supply ;) have fun !!

Montag, Juni 09, 2008

My new Job

Finally I made my decision for my new job.

It took me a very long time and a lot of inner-family-and-friends discussion to finally decide. I have been to a lot of job interviews and I had some offers for a job, but finally I decided to become a Security Analyst at Raiffeisen Informatik (R-IT).

My main job area there will be Security Management, but with the chance to work in other security areas as well. It is the security competence center of R-IT.
One of the main decision points was the location, where this agency of R-IT is located. It is in the Waldviertler town Zwettl. It is a very small town with no big towns nearby. I always would like to live on the country side, but always with a big town in range ;)
However, I have been there meanwhile, and it made a really good impression. So now I am looking for a flat or house to rent and I will start in August.

Not only the town was a decision point, also a lot more things. The whole package has won in the end. I'm looking forward to start my job there and I hope I can integrate in the town community. I will keep you up to date.

Trip to carinthia

Again I fled to carinthia to do some work for my master thesis.
Yes it is still not finished! unfortunately
As you have read before, the last weeks wasn't easy for me,
this is not an excuse, but it should explain my motivation
about the things which are really important in life.

However, I have been to carinthia for one week
and I found my love to make photographs again.
So I picked up my cam and made some nice macro-pictures.

What I like about macro-pictures is, that you have to enjoy the
small things, move around with an open eye and an open mind.

Here are some examples:

Maybe I will make photographing my new hobby, I just like it.