
Freitag, März 28, 2008

ENISA published BCM Method and BSI also its

Not everybody knew that ENISA was working on this for quite some time now. However, they published there "Business and IT continuity: Overview and implementation principles" report in February.

I read it and I can say it is quite good. It has for example a useful mapping between the ENISA model and other established BCM-standards. Like the BS25999, which I'm working on in my thesis. However, I will not tell you everything, because if your interested in details, you should read my master-thesis "Process model to implement Risk Management and Business Continuity Management organization wide". I'm working on it, so be patient.

Have fun reading the report, if you need more, ENISA still has other reports to read.

Also the German BSI was working on there catalog number four, which cares about the continuity topic. They published a draft version of 100-4. I also checked this one, but not in detail, so I will not give you a comment about it at the moment.

Some News

Hei my friends!

It's been a long time since I wrote my last blog entry. Sorry for that. But there is not that much to tell at the moment. I guess you don't wanna hear about my master-thesis anymore, so I start with some other news.

News Nr. 1. - my new flatmate

Yes, I have a new flatmate. *gg* No not that kind of flatmate. It's a new plant *gg*. I got it from the easter bunny. So have a look, it is the one on the left side, at the moment it gets its blossom. Looking forward to that, should be really nice.

Actually, the one in the middle is the part I could save from one of my Finland-Plants. They died on the way back to Austria in the car, because of the cold. But fortunately one had a little sapling I could use to plant it. I'm proud of it *gg*

News Nr. 2. - job interviews

At the moment there is not much to tell about jobs. I have some job application out, of course not only one. I guess every company knows that a candidate does not only have one application a time. However, some get positive answers, some got negative answers, some got so far no answers.

My study colleagues aren't in that hurry to get a job. Some have one or more applications running, other's don't have any so far. The reason why I have already some applications out is simple. Because there are some jobs, I would really like to work in, therefore I sent my applications now, because I don't know, if this kind of jobs are on the market in six month.

Whatever, some are perfect for me, and I hope I get a chance to show that I'm the best to have for the job ;)

News Nr. 3 - car needed money

Blablub.... I had to repair my car, because I wouldn't have got the "test badge". In the garage it would have cost 1600€ (!). So I had to do it on my own. Of course not me, but a friend of mine did it for me. In the end it cost 480€, I guess that is cheaper ^^

Ok, I would say that's it for the moment. Tonight we have Alumni-Meeting, looking forward to it.

Montag, März 17, 2008

Paintball and other kind of painful things

Hey my friends!

Last Saturday some friends and I where playing some Paintball at this field.
It's a really nice field in an old four-edge-farmhouse. They will expand it soon with the inner side of the farmhouse and one part to simulate house-fights.
We were 11 people, some I didn't know, but in war there are no friends anyway ;)

The field has everything you need, from a tunneling-system to a tower, everything there. Our opponents were some kind of campers, so they always hide behind the wall and wait for the others to come. I didn't care, so maybe that was the reason that we lost most of the time. It was really funny and it didn't hurt that much (except next day, but this was the "sport" not the bullets).

Ok, what other painful things.... hmmmm
Actually I over reacted, maybe my master-thesis could be a painful thing *gg*. Or let's say Latex is a painful thing, it will not do what I want it to do. I work now for days to get the document in the shape I want it, but it won't work. Hopefully it will work soon, because I'm already one step behind.

Last Friday there was also open doors day at my university. It was also a nice day, because I like to show people around and the things we do. Most of the time I spent in the biometrics lab, where I showed people how to use iris scan, fingerprint scan and face scan devices. The funny part at the face scan was, we used some pictures of celebrities to compare with our users. The result was sometimes really funny, for example a couple, both compared with Paris Hilton, ... the guy was more Paris Hilton than his girlfriend *ggg*
My result, I do not really look like George Clooney, neither Bill Gates..... ;( *g*

Yeah, I had also a job interview on Friday. But more on that in another entry.

Mittwoch, März 12, 2008

Doors open Day at my University

Hi all,

this Friday 14.3 is doors open day at my university - University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and of course especially at my Campus Hagenberg.
I will be there starting at 10 until the end. You can find me in the Biometrics lab.
More information:
On my university (english)
Doors open day (german only ;( click on the campuses to get detailed information about the program)

PS.: I also have a job-interview on Friday, but later on more on that.

Samstag, März 08, 2008

Exhibitions and job interviews

This week is fully planned. Not only because of my master thesis, but also because of the additional program.

First of all there are a lot of exhibitions this week, which are quite interesting. The first one I visited yesterday, was the "B.e.s.t" exhibition. It's about continuing education, work and studying. Maybe you ask yourself why I have been there when I'm nearly finished with studying.

Actually I wanted to inform myself about possibilities to join a phd-program. Therefore I visited a lot of universities, Austrian but also universities from abroad. I wanted to know something about making a phd next to a job or how it works if you do it full-time. As expected, the Austrian universitites are still a bit snobbish when it comes to students from universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen). Except the Johannes Kepler university in Linz. The people from the technical university of Vienna, who I spoke to, were friendly at the beginning, but when I asked how difficult it will be for Applied Sciences students, there was this acknowledgeable change in the face and she said, maaah you have to do a lot lot lot of additional courses to get even a chance to be affiliate at the phd program.
I can only say, wake up girl!! I studied 5 years (not 4 as some still believe). I have no problem to make the one or other additional course, but lot lot lot to get a chance, hahaha.
The girl at the JKU stall was quite more relaxed. She said that probably will be some additional courses, but that it is possible to do it next to the phd program. I know that there is still a problem to get a free place, because universities prefer there own students, but they should think if a healthy mix of university and applied science students wouldn't be better. However, thanks to JKU to be not that small-minded as other Austrian universities.

Actually, at the moment I haven't really decided if I start working or continue studying. But at the moment working is the favorite choice, because there are some nice job offers available.

Which brings me to the next point, the job interview. Of course I send my resume to more than one job, but I guess every human resource person will know that. However, yesterday I had my first job interview. In my opinion it wasn't that bad, but the problem is you never know what the other side thinks. People who know me know that I'm a truthful person, so maybe some other people can't handle that fact. For example, I mentioned clearly that a job as programmer is not what I will do in the future.

The company makes a very nice impression and the job sounded also very interesting. Of course it is in my field IT-Security and as far as I can see right now, it will be cover the whole field. I hope I made a good impression and get an invitation to the next round of interviews.

For the other jobs I didn't get an answer yet, but I will inform you when I get one.

Let's get back to the exhibitions. We also planned to drive to the Cebit exhibition. But the schedule was changed to 23o'clock yesterday and that would have been to much stress for us, because we already were tired. So we cancelled that one, but instead we will go to the energy saving exhibition in Wels tomorrow. We have been there also last year and it was really interesting. This year I want to find out what my "dream"-house would cost, *lol*, I'm looking forward to this shock.

Dienstag, März 04, 2008

Storm over Europe

I guess a lot of people recognized the storm we had a few days ago.
Also Austria had some places which were hit hard.
But I guess one of the most famous scenes is the one you can see on the following video. It is about a airplane who tried to land at an airport and was hit by a blast, but just look for yourself. It happened in Germany.

I guess they were quite lucky ;)
Good luck also to all people who experienced damages or worse losses, keep your head up.

Montag, März 03, 2008

Nightwish concert videos

Finally kampfjogurt published his videos, the quality is the best to find at the moment, so enjoy the three nightwish videos from the concert in Vienna:



Bye Bye Beautiful

Samstag, März 01, 2008

Nightwish Concert

After skipping the concert in Helsinki, what I regret later on, I finally made it to a Nightwish concert.

First of all, why did I regret skipping the concert in Helsinki? Because I would have loved to see Indica ;( But at that time I didn't know that Indica is not the support band for the European tour.

However, on 28.2 I have been to the concert in Vienna (Gasometer). The supporting Band was Pain. Fortunately the band was not a "Pain in the ass". They are a Swedish metal band and they were quite good. To get an impression, here is a video of one of their song at the concert (thx to kampfjogurt who made this video):

That was actually the last song before the Nightwish show. I can not say a lot about the show, only that it really was great. I had my concerns about Anette (the new singer), because I loved Tarja's voice, but Anette is a very nice (and good looking) woman. She is Swedish, but actually in my opinion she looks perfectly Finnish.

There are yet not really good videos available, but I'm sure there will be some soon. Therefore I give you some impressions with some photos. Unfortunately Günther forgot his camera (bravo günther!) and mine was too big, so I searched for pictures and found a good source in the German Nightwish Fanclub homepage, where raven_arkadon put some really nice pictures.

Here are some impressions:

Thanks for the nice photos, you can find the rest of the gallery in the above mentioned link.

It was a great evening and I enjoyed it a lot !!!