
Mittwoch, Dezember 05, 2007

Take home exam and other stuff

Moi out there!
I haven't written for days and the main reason for that is, that I have a lot of work to do for the university. I have to mention this sometimes, so that you don't think I'm doing nothing ;)

On Monday we finished our project 01 for Parallel Computing, which was a program including PVM functions. The main job of the program was the multiplication of matrices. So the master process sends the values to the slaves, they calculate it and send the result back. (short version of the function) Of course we also had to write a documentation for it.

Today I had my final presentation in "Presenting in English". It was about traveling in Europe and I in my opinion my partner Mikko and I did quite well. The final task will be an analysis of our own presentation.

Ok, and last but not least we got our take home exam in Parallel Computing yesterday. Yes you read correctly, it is a exam which you can take home and fill it at home. Of course it is more difficult then a normal exam and believe me it takes a looooot of time. I hope I can finish it soon enough, because on Sunday I will meet Günther, Silvia and Claudia in Helsinki to spend the week with them. That means that two of my days for the exam are lost, therefore I have to do it faster, that means.. At the moment I do nothing else, except writing this blog entry, which by the way is part of my small break.

We had to send our pre-master project report for our home university yesterday. There is not really much movement in the project, mostly because there is just no time at the moment. But as far as I know, I am not the only one who has a slow start. I have to invest the whole January for it to catch up and of course the next semester for my master thesis. First of all I have to read a lot, I mean A LOT and that actually takes time. So, hopefully after the take home exam and my "holiday" week with my friends from Austria, I will find the time to really start through. There is "only" Finnish for Foreigners exam left on 21.12 and the second project for Parallel Computing until 23.12.

moi moi

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