
Mittwoch, Oktober 24, 2007

Exam week

This week is exam week. As I already mentioned in the entry before, the week were i have to study. I'm not really amused about this, but as you see, even in study abroad sometimes it is necessary to learn and work. (unfortunately)

However, today we had our first exam in Mobility Management. It was the first time that i had an exam together with a lot of students from different lectures. There wasn't only the Mobility Management exam, also six or seven others. So all together there were about 286 students.

You have to look at the table which color your exam has, and sit afterwards to a correct desk/exam. You are not allowed to bring anything except something to write. If there are other exceptions like dictionary, they are announced separately. In our case there was no exception. After the exam you have to show your student card or ID and subscribe.

One nice thing here in this university is, that you have the possibility to check all the exams from the years before online. So you get on one side a clue how the teacher used to ask, and for the lazy guys you also can guess which questions are coming. I don't trust teachers when it comes to exams, so i learned like i always do. But two days ago, we decided to check the old exams, to try one or two to check our knowledge so far. The bad thing was, the lecture is the first time in English, so we didn't find the exam on the first try. But after some translation we found it. Of course exams were in Finnish, thanks to one of my Tandem partners (Niko) this was not really a problem.

And guess what, the exam today was not really a big difference to those which are already published. ;)
So i started to write, and write and write.... After 45 minutes, i was at question 3 of 5, three people left with their MM exam. I just thought, what the fuck, i write like hell and they are already finished? But after some discussion with Flo it seems that they just don't know something and therefore left. (of course we discussed after the exam *gg*)

Normally there would be three hours time (!!!) for this exam. In a Hagenberger way we were finished after ~1,5h and left simultaneously. So in my opinion it should be ok, hope the lecturer also decides this way.

The next exam is on Friday, it is Finnish for Foreigners 1. I started studying yesterday and will continue tomorrow, maybe a bit today evening, i will see.

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