
Dienstag, Oktober 23, 2007

Short sign of life

Moi ja anteeksi!

Sorry for posting this entry so late, but there are some good reasons which i will explain later.
Before that let's have a look what I did on my weekend.
At Friday evening i was invited at Esther and Iris place, because there should be a party. So I went there with the bus and entered the flat.... ööhm, party!? *gg* there were 4 persons sitting, I thought about 10 people *gg*.
Nevertheless it was getting better and better. There were Esther, Iris, Doris (friend of Esther, from Austria but actually in Rovaniemi), two Finnish guys (sry, forgot the names already) and I.
We had a lot of fun, i just say "voi" (butter),.... it's an insider joke, so don't try to understand it.

After that party we went to the Diva (nightclub). Actually i do not like the Diva very much, but on that evening it was very funny. Of course it depended on the people in that case. On one dance floor in the Diva there was a Live Rap-Concert with a lot of different Finnish rappers. I don't like Rap music, but with the Finnish language it sound not that bad, quite funny.
But mostly we spent our time in the chilling area, where Esther and Iris practicing their kind of integrating in Finland, no it's not speaking or learning Finnish, and no it's not traveling around, there motivation is, .. get a Finnish boy and do some practical work, ok!? *gg* I would like this kind of practice with a Finnish girl, but the girls are not so easy like the Finnish boys *g*. However, it was a good night and we left the Diva about 315 with the taxi. (I will put a photo here, as soon as Iris or Esther are willing to send me one or more)

On Saturday the girls decided to eat at a Greek restaurant in the center, I was invited so joined them. The first surprise for me was in the bus. Five girls ... and me?! (Inga, Andrea, Iris, Esther and Doris) Ok, normally i have no problem with that *gg*, but i wished there was some male support when one of the girls started to talk about "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten" (german soap opera on TV). *gg*

So we arrived at the center and walked to the Greek Restaurant which is located next to the Canibalis (Metal bar). But we didn't enter, because the prices were to high for some girls. (average 16€, in my opinion, not that expensive for Finland). So we went to a Pizza/Kepab restaurant on the opposite side of the road. There they had Kepab lunch for 5€ and pizza for 7€, and wow it was a lot to eat. A really huge pizza, and the "Rula Kepab" (Dürüm) where minimum 2times bigger then in Austria. It was really good, even when the waiter wasn't that happy about working.
After that we went to the coffee house and drink some coffee. We went back by foot, it really was necessary after eating so much. We talked a lot about everything including Finland. More about my opinion on Finland later on. When we reached my home place, Esther asked me where I have my rucksack ..... OK !!! So, getting my keys for my car, driving back and fetch my rucksack from the coffee house. In Finland it is not really a problem forgetting or loosing some stuff. Finnish people are very honest. Chris for example lost his wallet with all the cards and money in it and it was no problem to get it back on the same day, even with all the money in it.

Ok, so why did it take me so long to post some new news. That's easy to explain. Because this week is exam week. In my case that means that i have two exams. Tomorrow i have my exam in Mobility Management, what is quite a lot stuff to learn, and on Friday i will have my exam in Finnish for Foreigners 1. Believe it or not, I have also to learn for FFF1, even after the EILC course. Some things are not that easy to remember after two month and there is also some new stuff which i didn't have in the EILC course, but there is also some stuff we had in EILC but we didn't have it in FFF1. That was one reason why i took FFF1 even after the EILC, because you can never know which kind of teaching the teacher in Lappeenranta is using.

So, as you can see, i have to learn, or probably i should learn, but not this evening *g*, i have to catch up with Prison Break S03E05 ;) Those who know, will understand me.

Kiitos, nuku hyvin! moi moi ja nähdään !

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