
Sonntag, Dezember 23, 2007

Christmas plans

After another good bye evening yesterday, we planned our Christmas day/evening.
The actual plan is, that we (Martin, Roman, Jose and I) will start cooking at 13o'clock at my place. We bought everything today at Prisma, which took us about 2h15.

Our Christmas lunch will be:
  1. onion soup (with bread and cheese baked)
  2. wiener schnitzel with potato salad
  3. apfelstrudel
We never made this things on our own, so I think it will be a very interesting experience *gg*.

Afterwards we will bake some cookies for the Christmas party, which should take place at Evi's place. Wish us luck with the cookies also *g*
There should be a lot people there, hopefully!

For all my people at home and friends all over the country:

Frohe Weihnachten !!
Merry Christmas !!!
Hyvää joulua !!

Enjoy the day and enjoy the life ;) (even when I'm not near :)

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Anonym hat gesagt…

Servus Harry!Ein frohes Fest und viel Glück beim heutigen Kochexperiment wünschen dir und deinen Freunden in Finnland Werner,Claudia,Daniel und Lena