
Dienstag, September 18, 2007

Finnish Tandem

Ok, before you think I ride a new bike, or even worst, your thinking about some dirty stuff, stop it! It's neither.

The Tandem course is a lecture at the university, which get together German-speaking students with Finnish students. So the Finnish students can improve their German and on the other hand the German speaking can improve their Finnish.

My partners are Nikita and Niko, two Finnish guys. They already speaking perfect German, because Niko was already one year in Graz/Austria and Nikita was one year in Stuttgart/Germany. So, I am the leak of communication *gg*
The funny thing is, I'm so used to speak in English, that today, when I should speak German, I always fell back to English again *gg*

However, the next days and weeks, we will undertake some activities to get to know the language and the culture of the countries. I'm looking forward to it !!

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