
Sonntag, September 09, 2007

Saturday night

The birthday party is over and sooner or later i have to clean my room, .. no my flat.
It's not soooo much to do, so it's ok. The party was nice and I wanna thank everyone for coming, THX!. I think we were about 15-18 people.

The party started at 2045 and we went to the city center with the 045 (?) bus. The funny thing was, we were not able to find a nice place to continue the party, because one nightclub was overcrowded, another one just sucks, the bar was closing, and so on and on and on....
So we decided to went home with the last bus at 215 (?), I'm not sure, so that's the reason for the question marks *g*
No, I was not that drunk. It was nice, not excessive.

Before i close this entry, look what I had for lunch yesterday (the thing in the middle, not the girls!) :

Thanks again and have a nice day, enjoy the sunshine!

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