
Donnerstag, September 06, 2007

Exchange Student Database and other stuff

After the sauna evening on Tuesday, Wednesday was quite lazy for me. Some guys went swimming to the lake and take afterwards part at the freshman orientation run from the center to the university.

On this orientation run there are some stations where the students have to fulfill some funny tasks. A lot of drinking is necessary and probably someone has to get naked.

First I planned to go there to, but finally i decided not to go. Instead of drinking and partying, I decided to work on our exchange student database. Roman and I planned a database with all the information of all the exchange students at LUT.

Roman provided the resources and I "programmed" the website. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't like programming, so i made the website with Macromedia's Dreamweaver, because it has a very good support for PHP and MYSQL, just with drag and drop ;)
After some hours of work including the manual input of 125 exchange students, the database was finished. Before we publish it to the exchange students, we will invite some "beta-testers" to test it and we also wanna integrate some security functions and extra features.
You know, perfection is my business!!

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