
Mittwoch, September 12, 2007

Middle of the week entry

I'm not sure which entry title i should use, so I used this one.

1. Yliopisto (University)
Yesterday we had our first seminar in "Parallel Computing". Just 6 students joined the seminar, the rest will do theirs tomorrow (about 25 students *gg*). It was ok, the assistant seemed to be a bit nervous.

After I was rejected from "Finnish for Foreigners 1 - group C", I decided to visit group D in their session today and hoped to get a free space, if there is one. I was allowed to stay, so I hope this will stay this way. It was very funny to see the reactions of the Finnish language "noobs", because they reacted the same way we did on our first lecture at the EILC *gg*.
It will get worst, I can promise you that!

2. Trip to Tallinn
Today I decided not to participate the trip to Tallinn (capitol of Estonia), because I have to save my money, already spent too much the last couple of weeks. This will change nothing on my plans to go to St.Petersburg and Lapland this semester.
It was a hard decision to cancel the trip to Tallinn, because the group is very nice and the town also. Whatever I'm sure I will regret this decision sooner or later, but in this case it is better.
So have fun guys, drink one for me!

3. Grml grml
Yesterday I was watching a movie, meanwhile I got a message from one of our French girls per MSN (thx Claire *g*), this message included a file-transfer. I was so distracted from the movie that I double clicked the file without looking at the name, in the same time I recognized that it was a .com executable file. FUCK! Shame on me, this never happened to me before, grrrrrrrrr. Whatever the damage was minimal, it distributed itself over MSN again and put some files on the hard disk. I removed the files manually and run anti virus scans with three different anti virus clients. (Avast, Trendmicro Housecall/online, Kaspersky/online) They didn't find anything else, so I was very glad about that.

That should be everything for today, so see ya soon.

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