
Sonntag, September 30, 2007

End of the weekend

Another weekend is over and it was nice. Yesterday evening (Saturday) I was invited to a birthday party from Szimon, one of the polish guys. We were about 12 people. Some from China, Poland, France, Russia and me ;)
There was a lot to eat, because the Polish guys and the Chinese girls cooked some and baked some cake, it was very good. Not so good was the Polish Vodka ;)
I was forced to drink it !! And not only once *g*

We discussed a lot about the different cultures with the Chinese girls. The party ended sometimes in the morning, I don't remember but I think about 3. However, the Chinese girls, who were guests at this party, cleaned the kitchen, because they said it is normal in China. I tried to convince them to visit me, because my kitchen need a cleaning, but they were smart enough to say no *gg*

Today's evening we spent on the beach nearby to make a barbecue. It was really nice, we were about 20 people. Some of them weren't that satisfied so they left very early. However, after some more left, we were still 7 and the fire was under control again *g* (because Antoine also left *gggg*)

We will play some cards now, because i heard that the quiz tomorrow in Parallel Computing is moved to Tuesday, hurray.

Samstag, September 29, 2007

Middle of the Weekend Posting

The weekend is not finished yet, but I want to write some stuff down. Yesterday we were invited at Chris and Martins place to party and eat. The good thing was, there was Pizza, so that was ok. But Chris and Antoine tried to cook a special geek meal. It was rice, rice, onions, maggi cube, water, coke(!), ham !? Ok, that sounds crazy, i normally love rice, but i didn't try that one.... disgusting, sorry *gg* The recipe was from a French TV show, where they cook meals for geeks.

However, of course we drank a lot and joined afterwards the party in the neighbor flat, where the Spanish started their own party. After that we went to the center to go to the nightclub (gigglin marlin). Bad luck that Antoine and Paco weren't allowed to go in, so we decided to go to Diva. And again, it sucked hard. 5€ entry for nothing.

We took the 215 bus home. Again the pre-party was the best part of the evening.

Today on Saturday there was so much sunshine, that we decided to do some outdoor activity. We went to the center to meet some people and to buy some stuff for the barbecue tomorrow. Unfortunately when we came out of the shop, the sun was gone ;(

But Martin, Chris and I planned to walk, so we did. We drove by car to the beginning of the Saimaa channel and walked around in the area. It was nice and I made some photos of the autumn impressions there. You can find it, like always, in my public gallery.

Here are some examples:

Dienstag, September 25, 2007

Trip to Kotka and Valkmusa National Park

Today we (Roman, Martin, Paul, Flo and I) decided spontaneously to stock up on the beautiful weather. So we had to decide between the seaside at Kotka including the Valkmusa National Park and the Repovesi National Park. The Repovesi National Park seemed to be nicer, but you will need a whole day to see it all. Finally we decided to go to Kotka and the Valkmusa National Park (about 107km from Lappeenranta).

Kotka is a middle sized city which has a huge harbor because of the geological circumstances. On one side the river and on the other side the Baltic sea. In Kotka we first visited the Maretarium, which is an aquarium presenting the underwater world of Finland. We paid 6,50 € entrance (student price). First we thought that the time (we arrived about 1515) was not enough, because the Maretarium has opened till 1700. But in the end they say that a round take 1h15. And it is true, it take not much longer, including watching a 10 minutes movie. (What we actually did)
It was nice and i would recommend a visit there. They also have a nice shop, I think my friend Rainer could spend a lot of money there. A lot of fish related stuff ;)

Paul and I also did some art in the childrens section ;) Guess which fish was mine *gg*

Afterwards we visited a small park in the town, which also was nice. We then tried to find the "famous" water rapids on the river. There should be three of them. First of all we tried it from the wrong side, so we have to park the car and try to reach it by foot. We came to the river, but it was not the right place. However, we determined to forget the "rapids" and go to the Valkmusa National Park.

First we thought we were on the wrong road, because there is not even one sign which points to the park. But in the end we found it. It is a very small National Park, but in my opinion it worth a visit.

The area is mostly a bog. And they made this wooden trails through the park. It was beautiful to walk there, because the ongoing sunset highlighted the autumn colors perfectly.

As you can see, it was very nice !!
More photos of our trip can you find in MY GALLERY!!

UPDATE: I added the 10 minutes movie from Maretarium, about the Baltic Sea.
Thanks to Flo *gg*

Sonntag, September 23, 2007

Weekend report

I kept my promise, so i didn't drink any alcohol and i was in no bar or nightclub this weekend. Just enjoying the weekend. On Saturday we met in my flat and played some card games. First we (Paul, Martin, Martti, 2 Polish guys sry. forgot the names, Perrine and I) played Wizard and afterwards we played "President or Asshole", till 3 in the morning. It was a nice and relaxing evening.

On Sunday I was also very lazy, except that i cleaned my room and a part of the flat. Afterwards i cleaned my PC ;) put Vista 64bit on it and tested some Host Intrusion Prevention programs. On the evening Flo and I were refreshing our Finnish.

Nothing special at all.

Nähdään, hyvää yötä!! nuku hyvin!! mukavaa unta!
(See you, good night, sleep tight, nice dreams)

Freitag, September 21, 2007

Begin of autumn party

Yeah i know, yet another party *gg*

Yesterday was the "Begin of autumn"-Party in the "Gigglin Marlin" nightclub. The ticket cost 5€, but even with ticket there was a very long queue at the entrance.
Nevertheless, we got in and had a lot of fun. The beer cost 1€ on that evening (till 1 o'clock). The pint beer costs ~4,25€ normally.

Some people were already soo drunk before they arrived there. My greetings to Michael ;)
Even with a little pre-party in my place, I wasn't :). But of course this doesn't mean that I wasn't drunk at the end of the party. I think everyone was ;)

However, I will take a timeout this weekend, because I don't need a party and alcohol every day *g*

Another thing what happened to me yesterday.... I forgot my key in my room and the door was closed. I knew it will happen, but not so fast ;(
The house elder, who has a master key, was not available. So when I came back at ~4 o'clock I followed Roman to his flat, and slept their on the floor. It was not very comfortable and it was damn cold. But better then sleeping outside :) Thx Roman.

Today we only had "Finnish for Foreigners" lecture. So nothing new to tell about my studies.

Donnerstag, September 20, 2007

Presenting my home town Steyr

After the Global Village evening and some discussions about Austria, I know that a lot of people only know Vienna or Salzburg. But that's not all Austria can offer. For example my home town is one of the most beautiful cities in Austria.

That's why I have to introduce it to you, right now!

First of all some pictures from the old town:

Much more photos can you find here.
And useful information here:
Ok, what else to say, I think that is enough, because everything what you want to know, you will find it in on of those links above. If you have questions or wanna hear more, just drop me a message.

Photo update

The photo albums "Visitors from Joensuu" and "Global Village evening" are now online.
You will find them here.

Mittwoch, September 19, 2007

Global Village

The world is a global village.

Today's evening we had the global village evening. Every country, or let's say some countries presented their self with some traditional food to taste.

Of course, Roman and I decided to do some Austrian cooking *gg*
Believe it or not, it was delicious.
We made some "Kaiserschmarrn" !! Thx to my mother for the recipe.
In my opinion it was good, because we made two full pans and at the end it was empty at all. So, for the people who are interested the recipe:

1 portion

300g flour
300ml milk
3 eggs (only the yolk, take the albumen by side)
2 tea spoon of sugar
1 tea spoon of salt
1 tea spoon of vanilla sugar
optional some rum
optional raisin

mix it all together, take the albumen and ok sorry i don't know the english name for it, make it "stabel" with a mixer.

Put 1 tea spoon sugar in it,
afterwards put it in the dough.

Bake it, make two times quarters an turn them around, rip it, make smaller pieces, if they are already getting brown, put some crystal sugar on it. If you don't know how to do it, I'm your men.

As side dish you take some apple puree or plum puree.

It was a shame that the Austrian girls didn't cook anything, only Roman and I did the cooking ;(

Ok, after that we presented it on a table at the student house, like a lot of other countries too. It was great, there was Spain, Belgium, Austria, China, Japan, France, Russia, Finland, Germany ....
Our stall:

It was very delicious, every country had really good food !!!!
And I very like the Chinese and Japanese food and drinks !!!, THANKS

Japanese had some Sake (sry I don't know the exact spelling). You have to put some Wasabi on your hand, lick the Wasabi and drink the Sake. GREAT!!

The Chinese food was excellent. Everyone who knows me, know that I love Chinese food. I did some arrangement to get some Chinese cooking lessons, looking forward do it !!!

Of course we also did a lot of drinking. For example a drinking game. Unfortunately we lost in the semi final, because the Italian guy was finished, but didn't put his glas on the head ;( so in the final the Spain won against the Nepal-Indian team.

The photos and some videos of the drinking contest of this evening will be online soon !!

Whatever, it was very nice and the evening now continues at Martin's place, where we drink some, Prost!!! See ya !! Nähdään !!!

PS.: Sorry to my Finnish Tandem partners that I didn't make it on time, anteeksi anteeksi !!

Dienstag, September 18, 2007

Finnish Tandem

Ok, before you think I ride a new bike, or even worst, your thinking about some dirty stuff, stop it! It's neither.

The Tandem course is a lecture at the university, which get together German-speaking students with Finnish students. So the Finnish students can improve their German and on the other hand the German speaking can improve their Finnish.

My partners are Nikita and Niko, two Finnish guys. They already speaking perfect German, because Niko was already one year in Graz/Austria and Nikita was one year in Stuttgart/Germany. So, I am the leak of communication *gg*
The funny thing is, I'm so used to speak in English, that today, when I should speak German, I always fell back to English again *gg*

However, the next days and weeks, we will undertake some activities to get to know the language and the culture of the countries. I'm looking forward to it !!

Visitors from Joensuu

Except our network poisoning friends, today was a good day. We had some nice visitors from Joensuu, who stopped on their way back from Helsinki to Joensuu.

The visitors were Gosia, Emilia and Cuba. We spent the afternoon by visiting some sights in Lappeenranta. For example some churches, the fortress, the harbor and so on... and of course the famous clock-"tower" *gg* (insider joke)

We also went to one of the locks at the Saimaa channel and watched a ship going through.

It was a very nice afternoon and I was really happy to see this people again. So, Gosia, Emilia and Cuba, thanks for visiting us !!!

We made some photos, you will find the rest of the photos in my albums soon.

How to find some new international friends

A study abroad is a very good way to get to know people from around the globe. I am really enjoying it and there is no week without knowing new people.
Here in Lappeenranta it is my first change to meet non-European people. I really wanna know some Asian people, because I'm very interesting in their way of life.

Finally I found a new friend from China, but not in the way I expected, so here is the story how i get to know him:
It started last Friday. The internet connection was gone while I'm speaking on Skype with a friend in Austria. After I reconnect, everything was slow and I had a lot of connection losses. On Saturday it was the same, so i decided to install Linux to check what the hell is going on in our network.

The bad surprise was a man in the middle attack, someone spoofed the gateway. After trying to get rid of him with some tools from Ettercap, we (Roman and I) decided to write an E-Mail to all the exchange students from our place. On reason for that was, that we do not think that the person doing it on purpose, we think it is a trojan.

So, after a while we got a mail with an apologize in it and guess what, I met my first Chinese person here in Finland, because the mail came from a Chinese. So only virtual at the moment. Finally i met one, ok it was not the way I expected......

Later on we found out that a lot of the international people don't even use a antivirus client. This is quite a strange method to get to know new people...

Sonntag, September 16, 2007

Saturday night fever?!

Yesterday evening we (of course) had another party. First we started in a small, very small, very very small group of four *g* in my flat. Afterwards we went to the city center to a pub called "Birra". It has a lot of different beer brands from around the world, actually they have no Austrian beer, I think they don't even know that the best beer comes from Austria. Btw. a Guiness for example costs 5€ for the pint. The prices are between 4 and 8€ per pint depending on the brand. I have one or two photos of the pub, I will put them in this post as soon as Roman is awake ;)

Afterwards we went to Diva to meet some more people, for example Iris and Esther the two Austrian girls. So finally I was in the Diva (nightclub), because everyone said I have to go there. Ok. I was there now and I can say, hmmm, how can I say it in a polite way..... For 16-20 years old people it could be a nice place *gg*. Ok, it was no sooo bad, but next time Roman and I will have a look at the metal bar in Lappeenranta called "Canibali".

About 315 we went home by foot and talked about a lot, so the walk wasn't that long while talking. At 4 we arrived at home.
The evening was ok, but I think the pre-parties and private parties, or university parties and the pubs are still better then the nightclub. Just my opinion.

Samstag, September 15, 2007

Lappeenranta Fish Market

Today there was a fish market at the harbor in the city. First I thought it will be a market where you can buy raw fish, but it was exactly the opposite. A lot of stalls sell different kind of fish ready to eat and also a lot of other kind of stalls where placed there. For example kitchen stuff, jewelery, bread, art and so on...

Unfortunately we already have eaten before, so we didn't it anything. BUT we will go there tomorrow for lunch, I am really looking forward to it, because I love fish, and it smelled so delicious and also looked soooo great. Have a taste:

And of course the "grilled" salmon in the old Finnish tradition. The salmon is nailed with wooden nails on wood and "grilled" near the fire. I also have a photo of this:

Waah, I can't wait till tomorrow, LECKER!!

We also visited the "boot throwing" contest, but it seemed already over, so we turned around to drink some coffee in the coffee house.
The market was really nice and big, so we decided to go there tomorrow too. Of course mainly because of the food ;)
That's what the market looks like at the entrance:

Donnerstag, September 13, 2007

ruut webcams at LUT

"ruut" is the name of the computer club of the Lappeenranta University of Technology. The provide also three webcams on the campus, maybe you wanna watch them, you will see me in one of those for sure:

1. Webcam (Inside University)
2. Webcam (Cafeteria Ravintola)
3. Outside the University
4. Webcam (StudentUnion Cafeteria)
5. Webcam (Front of the University)

The best chance to catch me in front of one of this webcams do you have by choosing webcam1, 2 or 4.
Watch out for me ;)

Mittwoch, September 12, 2007

Middle of the week entry

I'm not sure which entry title i should use, so I used this one.

1. Yliopisto (University)
Yesterday we had our first seminar in "Parallel Computing". Just 6 students joined the seminar, the rest will do theirs tomorrow (about 25 students *gg*). It was ok, the assistant seemed to be a bit nervous.

After I was rejected from "Finnish for Foreigners 1 - group C", I decided to visit group D in their session today and hoped to get a free space, if there is one. I was allowed to stay, so I hope this will stay this way. It was very funny to see the reactions of the Finnish language "noobs", because they reacted the same way we did on our first lecture at the EILC *gg*.
It will get worst, I can promise you that!

2. Trip to Tallinn
Today I decided not to participate the trip to Tallinn (capitol of Estonia), because I have to save my money, already spent too much the last couple of weeks. This will change nothing on my plans to go to St.Petersburg and Lapland this semester.
It was a hard decision to cancel the trip to Tallinn, because the group is very nice and the town also. Whatever I'm sure I will regret this decision sooner or later, but in this case it is better.
So have fun guys, drink one for me!

3. Grml grml
Yesterday I was watching a movie, meanwhile I got a message from one of our French girls per MSN (thx Claire *g*), this message included a file-transfer. I was so distracted from the movie that I double clicked the file without looking at the name, in the same time I recognized that it was a .com executable file. FUCK! Shame on me, this never happened to me before, grrrrrrrrr. Whatever the damage was minimal, it distributed itself over MSN again and put some files on the hard disk. I removed the files manually and run anti virus scans with three different anti virus clients. (Avast, Trendmicro Housecall/online, Kaspersky/online) They didn't find anything else, so I was very glad about that.

That should be everything for today, so see ya soon.

Montag, September 10, 2007

Sunset in Karankokatu

Yesterday was lazy Sunday, that means, I did nothing at all. Today on Monday there were no lectures. On the evening we had a meeting to talk about our trip to Tallinn (capitol of Estonia). Because we are planning to go there by train and ferry and stay the whole (next) weekend.
The train and ferry will cost about 40€ + 48€ (2-way ticket) and the hostile will cost ~15€ per night and person. We have to decide till Wednesday who will go for sure.

Back home Chris, Antoine, Roman, Marti, Hannes, Martin and me decided to go to the Karankokatu Harbor/Beach to make some photos from the sunset. Thanks to Hannes for some of the photos.

Here is one example:

One more photo:

Nice! Isn't it?! Some more photos of the sunset are in my Album "Sunset at Karankokatu Beach" check them out, they are really nice!!

Sonntag, September 09, 2007

Saturday night

The birthday party is over and sooner or later i have to clean my room, .. no my flat.
It's not soooo much to do, so it's ok. The party was nice and I wanna thank everyone for coming, THX!. I think we were about 15-18 people.

The party started at 2045 and we went to the city center with the 045 (?) bus. The funny thing was, we were not able to find a nice place to continue the party, because one nightclub was overcrowded, another one just sucks, the bar was closing, and so on and on and on....
So we decided to went home with the last bus at 215 (?), I'm not sure, so that's the reason for the question marks *g*
No, I was not that drunk. It was nice, not excessive.

Before i close this entry, look what I had for lunch yesterday (the thing in the middle, not the girls!) :

Thanks again and have a nice day, enjoy the sunshine!

Samstag, September 08, 2007

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me,

happy birthday me Harald, happy birthday to me *gg*

So, one year more on my live line. Nevertheless, I feel great and today there will be a huge party, we don't know yet where, but it will take place.

It will be huge, because I'm not the only one who has his birthday, Jòse from Chile and Paul from Germany (3 days ago) will also celebrate today.

Whoever wants to come, you are now officially invited.

Movie and Rugby evening

Yesterday evening (Friday), Martti was invited to a movie evening and he on his part invited some more people including me. We had no plan which kind of movie we will watch and I was really afraid ending up in a dramatical love story movie and the doors of the room are locked.

The first think we realized was, that the movie is a French movie. I just thought, fuck!, French movies sucks ;), except the (kick box) fight movies, or movies with Jean Reno and from Luc Besson. Ok, after i investigated a bit in Google, I found out that actually some very good movies come from France (crank, the transporter, wasabi, ronin and of course leòn), so French movies DON'T suck at all !!

I didn't know the movie we were watching, ... and I didn't even remember the name right now, BUT it was a good and funny movie about a French Erasmus student in Spain, of course Google and IMDB know the name, the movie is called "L'Auberge espagnole". We watched the movie in French with English subtitles. I can recommend this movie, so watch it.

After the movie we were heading home to our place, but just to get ready for another French lesson on this evening -> Rugby. At the moment in France take the rugby world championship place, and the first game was France against Argentina. Rugby seems to be very popular in France, so a part of our French community want to see this game. So we were heading to the city center to the "sporti pub" to watch the game. Bad evening for France, because the have lost against Argentina with 17:12. I'm really sorry for you guys ;(

Rugby seems to be a very nice sport, I like to watch it, but I think I even would like to play it ;) Of course just five minutes, because after that I will be dead *gg*
At midnight the people surprised me with the "Happy Birthday" song, thanks for that ;)
Afterwards we went home, i decided to rest because the day tomorrow (Saturday) will be hard enough.

Freitag, September 07, 2007

Pig Party and another day of studying

Ok, you can guess why the party in the title of this blog entry is first and then the study ;)

Because there's not much to say about Thursday. We had two hours of lecture "Mobility Management" and after that at 2 we visited the club exhibition. Some of the nearly 60 clubs from the university presented themselves and what they are doing. Some are quite interesting, for example the "Game Club" (board-games) and the "Fishing Club", maybe even the "Photography Club". There were less clubs presenting that I expected, that's why I left very soon.

At the evening we first partied at my place and went then to the "Pig Party". No it is not a misspelling, it is called this way. First of all because the put two pigs on the grill, but also because the freshman's had the honor to kiss the pig's head after there "baptism". Before that there were some competitions, of course including a lot of drinking and getting naked *gg*.
I made some photos (no naked ones), but they are too dark, so I will not publish them.

It was a nice evening and was ended where it started, at my place with some good Austrian beer. By the way, this was the last beer out of 60l we brought to Finland one month ago ;(

Donnerstag, September 06, 2007

Exchange Student Database and other stuff

After the sauna evening on Tuesday, Wednesday was quite lazy for me. Some guys went swimming to the lake and take afterwards part at the freshman orientation run from the center to the university.

On this orientation run there are some stations where the students have to fulfill some funny tasks. A lot of drinking is necessary and probably someone has to get naked.

First I planned to go there to, but finally i decided not to go. Instead of drinking and partying, I decided to work on our exchange student database. Roman and I planned a database with all the information of all the exchange students at LUT.

Roman provided the resources and I "programmed" the website. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't like programming, so i made the website with Macromedia's Dreamweaver, because it has a very good support for PHP and MYSQL, just with drag and drop ;)
After some hours of work including the manual input of 125 exchange students, the database was finished. Before we publish it to the exchange students, we will invite some "beta-testers" to test it and we also wanna integrate some security functions and extra features.
You know, perfection is my business!!

Dienstag, September 04, 2007

2nd day at LUT + Karankokatu Lakeside

Today was our second day of studying. The course "Mobility Management" started today. The topic is very interesting, but the manner of the lecturer to present, was, ... let's say back-breaking.
He also has his microphone on the left side of the shirt, but he always looked to the right side (because the presentation was there), so he was very hard to understand.

On the afternoon Roman and I decided to have a look at the Lakeside near our place Karankokatu. I made some photos that you can get an impression.

At the moment we are also working on a Website including a database for the exchange students. Let's see how long we are motivated.

Photo update

Some albums of my gallery were updated today. Even Albums from the time in Joensuu. Albums like Harbour Light and Sound, Finnish Evening at LUT, Exchange Students - Welcome Party (Joensuu).....

have fun!

Montag, September 03, 2007

The first day of studying at the university

When i left the bus today in the morning, ok it was noon, i said to Roman "I'm afraid when I'm leaving the bus, the holidays are over".
I was right! ;)

First of all, we didn't even know if we have and lecture today, because the handout we got earlier said that "Parallel Computing" starts on Thursday. But the homepage said it starts today. So we went to the university to be sure. And guess what, it started today, with a 4h lecture. Nevertheless, it was ok. The teacher seems to be very competent and also very friendly. It wasn't as bad as i expected.
Another surprise was, that this course is "intensive". This means we have five days with about 6h of lecture. Every week one day. (in phase 1)

Tomorrow we will have Mobility Management, but first we have to do something tonight, more on that tomorrow.

Sonntag, September 02, 2007

My courses at LUT

Today was the last day to register the courses of the first phase. (one semester has two phases)

After a long debate with Roman we finally decided to cancel "Secured Communication". It would have been about cryptographic topics like hash, (a)symmetric encryption, digital signature, and so on and on and on....
Not the cryptography would have been the problem, the reason why we canceled this course was the amount of hours for a programming exercise. In the description of the course they calculated 40h (+30h seminar work) of home study to code this program. (Implementation of a cryptographic algorithm) And the best part as quote:

"**The lack of skills in programming will cause the actual workload be higher than this. "

So, i decided to have a lack in programming :) and I'm not willing to code the whole semester *bg*

So instead of "Secured Communication" we chose "Parallel Computing". The amount of lectures for this course is higher then "Secured Communication", but the complexity of the coding work is about 20h. As you see, whatever we would choose, coding is a must do. I'm not really happy about this.

I had another strategy, but we thought that our home university will not accept this, so we finally will attend the course "Parallel Computing".

In the end our plan looks like this:
  • Parallel Computing 6 ECTS (2 phases)
  • Mobility Management 4 ECTS (1 phase)
  • Finnish for Foreigners 1 2 ECTS (1 phase)
  • Finnish - German Tandem 1 ECTS
In the second phase Finnish for Foreigners 2 2 ECTS and maybe Presenting in English 2 ECTS.
And of course we got 3 ECTS points for doing the EILC course. (Thanks to Jürgen for finally excepting 3 of 5 credits)

This all sounds not much, but I'm doing my study abroad, not my main study ;)
I need time for Finland, the people, the exchange students and so on.....

But nevertheless, I think our choice is more than enough work. (For example, the estimated workload for Parallel Computing is 175h). And the really bad thing is, LUT has some really interesting courses, for example "Network Design and Analysis", "Network Programming" and so on, but they are all in the spring semester.
Also you should not forget, that we also have to do our pre-thesis project here in Finland. DAMN, just too much to do!!!

Light and Sound Harbor special

Yesterday evening we went to the harbor of Lappeenranta to visit the "light and sound" event at the sandcastle. It is really a huge sandcastle, it is even possible to walk through it. The motto of the sandcastle this year was Aliens and extraterrestrial. It was very nice to watch.

The whole harbor was full of people, boats and lights. A very nice view. Nearly every boat has one or more torch and of course lights on. There was also some live music and street artists. The photos of this evening are already online in my albums. Enjoy them!

After drinking some beer on a boat restaurant, we went to "Birra" a nice pub in the center. For some of us it was too crowded, so they moved on. We reunited afterwards and went to the nightclub "Diva". Some of the group had no ID with them, so some people decided to go to another place. In my opinion, and on the first look, the nightclub wasn't that exciting.
Imagine, there are people who can't enter the nightclub on Friday, because they had no ID, and guess what, they (he) hadn't an ID on Saturday too *gg*.

So we went to the pub "Hemingway" and drove home with the 115 bus to Karankokatu.
To have an impression on the multi culture of exchange students, we were France, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Japan, Netherlands, Finland, ...

Übersetzungstool - Translationtool

Für die daheimgebliebenen, die nicht immer alles auf Deutsch übersetzen wollen, hab ich auf der rechten Seite ein Übersetzungstool eingefügt, welches die ganze Seite auf Deutsch übersetzt. Einfach nur auf die deutsche Fahne klicken.
Dabei zu beachten ist allerdings, das das Deutsch stellenweise sehr schlecht ist, aber um den Sinn des Eintrages zu verstehen sollte es reichen. (Der übersetzte Text ist oftmals sehr lustig *gg*)

For other languages then English, i have installed a translation tool on the right side. Just click on the flag of your language.