
Mittwoch, November 14, 2007

Birthday and Study abroad fair

Last Friday was the birthday party of Anna (Spain) and Vanessa (France) in the basement at Teknoligianpuistonkatu.

Before we went there, Roman and I made us some original Austrian Glühwein. Therefore i bought red wine and Stroh rum. Meanwhile we found out that they also have some kind of Glühwein here in Finland, it is called Glögi. You just have to be careful when you buy some, because some are without alcohol, some with 4.7% and I think there should be some with more alcohol.

After that I went to Esther&Iris place, where I didn't spend much time, because some already wanted to go to the birthday party, what we finally did.
It was very nice and a lot of people were there.
But that was not all for the evening, with the bus at midnight we went to the nightclub "Gigglin Marlin", where we spent the rest of the night 'til 4. There I also met our Finnish teacher Elina, who talked of course in Finnish to me *gg*, I think I wasn't that bad, I understood it mostly, hopefully.... she didn't correct me, so ;)

I have much to do, so there was nothing else until yesterday.
There we had the "study abroad fair" day at the university, where we presented our university and of course our country. The bad thing was, we had to share our stand with the germans, urgs! ;). The polish stand cheated, because they had a handful attractive girls there, so the had of course the most visitors ;)
Ok, i visited them too, but just because I'm interested... *gg* of course in Poland, what do you think :)

The Fins were quite uninterested, not much came to see the stands anyway.

But it was nice, I like this kind of thing. We had some nice posters from Austria and some other useless stuff. Thanks to Austria tourism, who send us some material and gave us a free account to download high quality pictures from there online gallery. Thanks!

More photos in my online gallery. From all other stands, and the best stand France *gg*. They had the biggest stand, but no people to present (out of 20) and no material, lol.

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