
Mittwoch, November 21, 2007

Finnish Tandem Dinner - Finns cooking

After swimming on afternoon, it was time for another evening with our Finnish-German Tandem group. This time it was time for the Finns to cook something for us. I can say it was very good. They cooked "Aidin hyvät lihapallot", what translated means "mothers best meatballs".

Which looked like this:

Niko and Nikita in action:

I was the whole time so f****** tired, that I sometimes nearly felt asleep, all because of the swimming *gg*.

However, they also made some dessert:

Kiitos paljon! for this very nice evening, sorry that I was soooo tired ;) Good that I didn't felt asleep, because they would have painted my face *g*.

At the end of course, the vocabulary of the day:
  • pudota - to fall - stürzen, fallen
  • keittää - to cook - kochen
  • vihata - to hate - hassen
  • kysyä - to ask - fragen
  • vastata - to answer - antworten
Nähdään ja nuku hyvin !

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