So yesterday we had finally the Parallel Computing presentation and I think it was good. Our challenge is "Differences in application development using BOINC and PVM". We have one week to write a document for this challenge.
At last I finished my Mobility Management project yesterday at 1930 o'clock and sent both, the project code and the documentary to the lecturer. The documentation still got 13 pages, so quite more then I originally expected. By the way, the NS2 program just sucks !!!! It cost me a lot of nerves. It really was just a pain in the ass. (figure is the ns topology)
Of course after so much work, I earned a nice evening with some friends and a good party. Fortunately Inga made her birthday party yesterday. (She had birthday on Wednesday, happy birthday, again...) I went to her place where Esther and Iris and a lot of other people already partied (Robert, Ayu, Andrea and many more). I came too late because before that I was at Chris and Martins place to drink some Glühwein and Nussschnaps. Finally Austrian culture found its way to Finland.
After some time and some drinking and some really funny happenings, we went to the nightclub Gigglin Marlin. It was a very nice and funny evening/night. Thanks for that!! There are some good pics, but I will get them soonest tomorrow.
Update: The first wave of pictures, those from Inga are in my gallery online.
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