
Donnerstag, November 22, 2007

Vocabulary of the day - Thursday

Hello fans of the Finnish - language *gg*, because I think nobody else will read my "Vocabulary of the day" blog entries ;)

However, who thinks that I already know all the vocabulary of the days before is wrong *g*, it needs time :)

I don't wanna waste your time, so here are the five vocables:
  • tajuta - to understand - verstehen
  • voida - to can - können
  • palella - to freeze - frieren
  • kääntää - to turn, translate - umdrehen, übersetzen
  • hakea - to fetch, get - abholen, holen
There is not much more to say for today.
I'm still looking for an accommodation for Günther, Silvia and Claudia who are coming on 9th of December. So if you have any suggestions, write me.
Roman and I also are nearly finished with our challenge for Parallel Computing seminar.

Nähdään ja nuku hyvin!

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Viele liebe Grüße aus München ...

Freu mich schon wieder wennst wieder da bist!!!
