
Montag, November 05, 2007

St. Petersburg – Day 3

Day number three again started at 8 o’clock. In the original schedule there would have been a bus sight-seeing tour through St. Petersburg. We (Hannes, Robert, Pia, Ayu, Iris, Esther, Felix and I) decided not to go on the bus but go on our own, because bus driving inside of the down is very annoying thing.

So we went to the metro station next to our hotel. We already heard that metro stations in St. Petersburg are very deep, but wow, this was really deep. I didn’t take time, but I think it took us some minutes with the escalator. They stations are that deep because the Neva River is very deep, and of course the metro is going under the river.

We drove to St. Peter and Pauls fortress to walk through it on our own. There again is a very nice cathredral. As I already mentioned before this was the very first building in St. Petersburg.

More information about the fortress and the included cathedral:

St. Peter and Pauls fortress in English
St. Peter und Paul Festung in Deutsch

Afterwards we walked to our next target, the St. Isaac’s Cathedral. On the way there we passed dozens, even hundreds of police and military men. Later we heard that they have to guard a demonstration of the communists. On the way we also passed a very nice ship which was nearly new, but build like ships from the 17th century. When I took a closer look I recognized that it was some kind of wellness and fitness area. Wow, really a good location, it looked great, but I think you have to have a lot of money to be member of that club.

It was a nice walk, but in the end we had to hurry a bit, because we wanted to join the bus group at the Cathedral for the guided tour. In the cathedral you have to pay again an extra fee of 50 Rubels to get the admission to take photos.

I will not say much about this cathedral, because the description would be always the same, because all the buildings where really amazing and impressive. Just take a look on your own in my photo gallery, as soon as the photos are online.

More information about St. Isaacs Cathedral:

St. Isaacs Cathedral in English
St. Isaacs Kathedrale in Deutsch

After we had lunch (170 Rubel = ~4,80€) we went to the State Hermitage Museum which is really close to the cathedral. A really huge building and it is one of the biggest museums in the world. There we are, jumping around again, with Hermitage in the background. Again a fee was necessary to take pictures, it was 100 Rubel, actually I was the only dumb who paid, because everybody else just took pictures without paying.

They have a lot, lot, lot, ... paintings from artists like Renoir, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, and so on.. . For me there were too much paintings *gg*, so my main interests were the building itself and sculptures and so on.. . Unfortunately, the main topic of the guided tour was the paintings, arg!! It was a bit surprising that the security measures for the paintings weren’t that obvious. If you want to ruin one, it would be no problem I think, quite strange if you look at the value of such a painting.

One painting was really interesting, it should be the most controversial painting in hermitage, because it's kind of funny, it is called "The punishment of a Hunter". On the surroundings you can see what hunters do to animals, and in the middle is the revenge of the animals.

My feet hurt like hell after the tour. We went for a coffee and after that we dropped the Ballet fans at the Mikhailovsky Theatre. No, I did not go to the Ballet.

More information about the State Hermitage Museum:

At 23 o’clock it was again time to go to the nightclub. This time it was the Havana Club and we all went there by metro. This club has three dance floors. The first one was part of the Karaoke bar, the second one was for dance music and the third one was for techno music. We spent some time in each of the areas. They also had some show program, like all the clubs.

It started with a chest measurement contest for the girls. So in the end there were three girls on the stage with the biggest breasts. Unfortunately just one of those girls has also a nice face and body *gg*. They had now to dance a bit, and after that it was time to get rid of the shirts and of the bra. Unfortunately, the good looking girl decided not to take of the shirt, so we were forced to look at those ugly girls dancing barely naked, arg! Believe me, I do not want to see this again, that’s why I fled as soon as possible.

I really wanted to visit a real Russian striptease bar, but no one wanted to follow me, except Pia. Again at 3 o’clock we left the bar and took again a Lada Taxi, which cost this time 200 Rubels.

One more day to come.

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