
Dienstag, August 28, 2007

A day and evening with our tutor

Yeah, today we spent a evening with our tutor in the town, and afterwards we were visiting the games for the freshman at the university. After that we were in the pub. At this moment i can say, our tutor-group is great. Two french guys, one from holland and two from Austria. They are all really nice people, and we enjoy to stick together.

So this evening was quite nice, first we met at our tutors place and after that we went to the freshmans party at the university. The freshmans have to do some work there to gain points for their guild. For example running around naked. And whatever.


Ok, there was not much time to write more, because i was very tired. I'm still tired, but ok :) So here is some more information:
We were in the city center to get bank accounts for those who haven't them yet, also prepaid cards and we bought some other stuff. I also got me a bus card, which cost 50 euros, what is quite expensive. (for example in Joensuu it costs 35 euros)
We decided that we will not rent or buy a bike in Lappeenranta. The decision was easy, because they do not really have rental stores like in Joensuu. And a used bike starts at 50 euros. (Joensuu 1 week 3 euros, one semester = 35 euros). The weather is getting colder, so i think it's a good decision.

Here is my first impression from the city center:

Not the best *ggg*

Ok, at 7 we met at Taija's place and drunk some stuff. After that we visited the traditional Freshmen party. The Freshman's of the different departments "fight" against other departments in some funny games. For example, they have to run to the end of the field, fetch water with their mouth, run back again and fill the water into a condom, till it "blows up". Or, making a chain out of their cloth and running around naked. Quite weird !!!! :)

I like this traditional guild thingi, every department has their color and wear a overall with stickers on it. And they always have this competition between the departments. Would be a nice tradition for our university too.

After that we were in a pub nearby, where we drank some beers. We went home by foot, because there was no bus at this time.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

sounds really funny there. Hope you will have there such a good time as in Joensuu before. Hold on writing, it's always nice to read.

Wish you a good time!
