
Samstag, August 25, 2007

Farewell Party

The EILC has ended, and the last official act was the farewell party on Friday evening. It started at 18 o'clock. First we heard a cello "concert" from one of our students, Antton from Spain. After that all our teachers (Tapio, Maija, Jenni) and the course secretary (Hanna) competed against each other in some games, which were created by us students.

First of all we played one song (mp3) from each country, and the teachers have to guess which country it is. Second was a dancing contest with three different kinds of dances, which the teachers have to dance. Third there was a pantomimic game, we presented some words (actions from the course) as pantomime, the teachers have to guess what it is. Then they have to dance to a really stupid song, this song is so stupid, that it is again very funny *g* (btw. there is a video of this dancing in my photo album). Then we sang a song for the teachers with the melody of "Bruder Jakob". In the end the teachers got their prices and their presents.

But that was not all. The teachers has also something prepared. On the beginning of the evening we saw a presentation with some good photos. They also had some special prices prepared for "extra-ordinary" performance.

First their was a price for the person who was most unpunctual. The price was a clock *bg*, the price went to Spain (who else ;) ), exactly to Christi. Then their was a price for the best male and female hitter in our baseball game, Zdenek and Kati got those prices, best in class performance went to Adam - Dimitris and Sophia, best "quizmaster" was Eva, best pronunciations was Magda, best rowing performance male and female was Cuba and Sophie, best exam was Marion (99,5 / 100 points), service performance (for the church) was James, best Sauna performance male and female was Gladis and Immo, best weather forecast was Immo, smiling face of the EILC2007 was Marina (Italy)...

And guess what, i got a price too !!!!
You will never, never, never guess for what.
I got a price for best male performance in the .... Finnish cooking session *rofl*
(Silvia got the womens price)

After that we gave our tutor Veera a present, one original Austrian white wine and a funny cup. The cup was fully written with blond jokes :) guess which hair color Veera has. But we know that she understood this joke, hyvin kiitos Veera for your support and for being their when we needed you. (especially at the parties)

And that's were it ended.

No, not really. At 23 o'clock we went to an island in the river near the center. This island is called Ilosaari, the translation is "fun island". We spent the rest of the evening and a part of the night there. (photos already online)
Zdenek and I walked home by foot. It took us 1,5 hour for ~5km, because of my injury.

I'm sure i forgot a lot, and maybe i have to re-write something, but for the moment that's all. It was an awesome evening!!!!

Thanks a lot again to all our teachers and a special thanks to Tapio. Also thanks to the tutors and thank you and good luck to my friends and colleagues who has already left Joensuu to go to their universities.

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