
Donnerstag, August 16, 2007

EILC day number nine

Outdoor practice. That was the topic for today. First we went to the park near the Yliopisto äh university to "build" a map of Europe. Every student was placed somewhere in the park to present his country. It was quite funny, because i didn't know, that Korneuburg is more far away from Steyr then the northern part of Germany.... :) (i put some photos from this session in my gallery, but there are not really much at the moment)

After that we had a little quiz, the problem was, i didn't understand a word *ggg*, ok, sometimes i caught a phrase. Then it was time for some exercises. In pairs we were heading to the marketplace in the city center, where we had to fulfill some tasks.

First of all we had to ask some native Finns for the name of some places. Of course we did that in Finnish :) In my opinion to ask the question is not the problem, but understanding the answer *gg*
But we managed it quite well.

One of our task was to ask in a travel agency when the next flight goes to Helsinki and what does it cost and if there is some student discount. The lady in the agency was very friendly and her Finnish was loud and clear. So we did this task also as well as the others. For those who are interested in the price, it was about 272 € and with student discount 103 € (without any taxes).

One of the funniest tasks was to find the longest Finnish word or name on the marketplace. After looking around we used a little trick to get the winning word. On the marketplace there is a free internet stall. We went there and typed in Google "the longest finnish word" and one result was:


Quote: .."The longest acceptable Finnish word is (according to the Finnish edition of Guinness Book of Records) which has 61 characters and translates approximately to technical warrant officer trainee specialized in aircraft jet engines. This word has actually been in use in the Finnish Air Force."

*rofl* theres not much more to say about this. Sorry guys to destroy your illusion with your 25 letters words. And sorry for using this trick, but it was on the marketplace :=)

After lunch there was a lot of free time, which i spent mostly with learning some vocabulary.

Thats it. See you tomorrow.

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