
Samstag, August 25, 2007

Trip to Savonlinna

Today Zdenek, Eliska, James, Magda and I made a trip to Savonlinna. We wanted to visit the castle and have a look at the center of the town.

It was a very nice trip, the castle is very nice. After the tour we were eating on a boat-restaurant. Of course Zdenek, Eliska and I have choosen some fish. I have choosen a salmon, which was prepared in a old traditional way. The salmon is "nailed" to a board and it is grilled over a open fire place. It was very delicious. The price was 16 euros. On the first sight this sounds very expensive, but you have salad, bread, water and coffee in the price included. For example in Austria we will maybe pay 14 euros for this lunch, but also 2,50 or more for the coffee. And in this case you also can take as much as you like. So all together i think in Austria you will pay the same.

After that we went home. On the way home Zdenek (who is a hunter) saw a dead animal on the road and wanted to know what is was. So i stopped and he looked for the animal. It was a wolverine. A very rare animal here in Finland. Zdenek wouldn't be a hunter, if he can't take a piece of this poor animal with him. So he wanted to cut of the head and take it with him *gg*, but finally the skull was broken and he decided to throw it away..... (later on he recognized that it was not a wolverine, but a raccon dog)

That's all, photos are online, and what ever you think about the last photos in the album,... they are fake *g*

In the evening there is a party, but i think i will rest, because tomorrow there is also a big, huge party (~ 100 students).

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