
Donnerstag, August 23, 2007

Day Nr 14 of EILC - exam results

Today we got our results from the exam yesterday.
I have got a 4 and Roman got a 5 !!

Don't worry, in Finland the grades count in reverse order. So 5 is the best and 1 is the worst *gg*. This means, we both did our exam very well. Me 92 of 100 points and Roman 96 of 100 points (Streber?! *gg*). The final grade will be published tomorrow, because the oral part of the exam and the course activity will also count to the final grade. So I hope i get my 5 ;) (That's really the first time i work on it to get a 5)
But I'm also happy with a 4 if this is the final one.

The rest of the day was gaming. We did some outdoor games, for example on the parking area we did human Pac-Man. It was totally funny, and in the end our EILC group, called "HölökynKölökyn" has won 2:0 against the other EILC group called "Ruisvoikaleipä".

There's not much more planned for today, so hopefully i can sleep some hours. Tomorrow will be the last day of EILC ;( and in the evening our Farewell Party, so more news tomorrow.

Update: i put some more photos in my webalbum.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…


Brain hat gesagt…

Kiitos, i corrected it :)