
Freitag, August 31, 2007

And again, another Bus-Sighseeing tour

Hei readers,

yesterday was the third and last day of the three orientation days. We visited the library and heard a presentation about studying at LUT.

On the afternoon from 16 - 18 o'clock there was again a sightseeing bus trip. Again? Yeah, because i had one in Joensuu and it was horrible. So i was not really expecting much of this trip, and guess what,.... it was also terrible *gg*

My hometown in Austria is ~1020 years old and yes we have a lot of sights to see. But here in Finland, towns are not that old, sometimes they have a castle (like Savonlinna) which is some hundreds of years old. So, why do they plan two hours sightseeing trips, when there are no sights *gg*
Whatever, some of the pictures i made are quite nice, so have a look at them in my online gallery.

We also passed the harbor of Lappeenranta with a huge sandcastle and some nice spots to see, so i will go there soon and make some extra pictures. In my opinion this is the best looking part of the town.

At the evening we had a party. First it started at Antoines place, but I joined them some minutes before leaving to the Pub (Iltalähti). At Iltalähti we had a lot of fun, a lot of exchange students but also Finnish students were there, because there was a karaoke night. A lot of French, some German, Chile, Spain,.... and of course Austrian and Suomi were there. It was a very nice evening/night. At ~3 we went home, this time by taxi, which cost for 7 persons 12,80€ (about 5 km) from the pub to our place.

Today on friday, there is free time and nothing to do.

Mittwoch, August 29, 2007

Yet another Finnish evening

Today we had our first Finnish evening her in LUT (Lappeenranta University of Technology). On this Finnish evening, we first had a presentation about Finland (culture, people,..) and then we were divided into groups to do some games. For example we got five items and we have to guess how this items are connected to Finland's culture or people.

My table have had items which were dedicated to a Finnish Designer. However, we of course invented our own stories. It was quite funny. I had this designer flowerpot. We were presenting our stories to the other exchange students. In my case the flowerpot was for flowers, but just in the summertime. When the winter arrives, the use it as "cookie-form", because it has the shape of a moose. And when the cookie time is over, the Finns just use it for drinking vodka *g*

There were a lot of funny stories. After the eating and the games, we were watching a Conan O'Brian special about Finland. It was a lot of fun.

The rest of the evening i will stay at home, just relaxing, watching a movie and have some sleep.

First orientation day

Today we had our first orientation day. Every organization had a presentation, Student health service, the church, international office, student union, and so on...

Then we had lunch, which cost between 2,20 and 3,60, also very cheap. Then we had again a presentation about the "culture shock" and from the housing company. After that we got our unix accounts and our tutor showed us how to apply for a course per webinterface.

At 6 we will have a Finnish evening, hopefully i can sleep one our before that, .. damn, ok 45 minutes *g*. Whatever, more about the evening tomorrow.

Dienstag, August 28, 2007

A day and evening with our tutor

Yeah, today we spent a evening with our tutor in the town, and afterwards we were visiting the games for the freshman at the university. After that we were in the pub. At this moment i can say, our tutor-group is great. Two french guys, one from holland and two from Austria. They are all really nice people, and we enjoy to stick together.

So this evening was quite nice, first we met at our tutors place and after that we went to the freshmans party at the university. The freshmans have to do some work there to gain points for their guild. For example running around naked. And whatever.


Ok, there was not much time to write more, because i was very tired. I'm still tired, but ok :) So here is some more information:
We were in the city center to get bank accounts for those who haven't them yet, also prepaid cards and we bought some other stuff. I also got me a bus card, which cost 50 euros, what is quite expensive. (for example in Joensuu it costs 35 euros)
We decided that we will not rent or buy a bike in Lappeenranta. The decision was easy, because they do not really have rental stores like in Joensuu. And a used bike starts at 50 euros. (Joensuu 1 week 3 euros, one semester = 35 euros). The weather is getting colder, so i think it's a good decision.

Here is my first impression from the city center:

Not the best *ggg*

Ok, at 7 we met at Taija's place and drunk some stuff. After that we visited the traditional Freshmen party. The Freshman's of the different departments "fight" against other departments in some funny games. For example, they have to run to the end of the field, fetch water with their mouth, run back again and fill the water into a condom, till it "blows up". Or, making a chain out of their cloth and running around naked. Quite weird !!!! :)

I like this traditional guild thingi, every department has their color and wear a overall with stickers on it. And they always have this competition between the departments. Would be a nice tradition for our university too.

After that we were in a pub nearby, where we drank some beers. We went home by foot, because there was no bus at this time.

My Address

For anyone who ever want to send me something, for example my birthday present *gg*, here is my address in Lappeenranta:

Harald Fürlinger
Karankokatu 4 A 8/1
53810 Lappeenranta

Feel free to send me letters, packets and whatever :)

Montag, August 27, 2007

Arrival in Lappeenranta

Finally we made our way to Lappeenranta. I was very sad leaving all my friends from the EILC back in Joensuu. Hopefully we will find some new friends here in Lappeenranta very soon.

First of all, the room, the apartment, WOW, it is perfect. Everything nearly new and the room is about 26m². The desk is huge, double size from the desk in Joensuu. My flatmate is a young Finn, i don't really know him yet, so i will tell you something more about him, as soon as i know him.

Our tutor here is very nice. She already spent a year studying in Austria (Fachhochschule Vorarlberg). Of course not everthing here is better. For example in Joensuu, when i looked out the window i only saw trees... When i look out the window here in Lappeenranta, i see the backyard of a big supermarket *g*, but... they have curtains here, you can now guess why :)
The price is also very high compared to Latonlakatu, i pay 290€ for all. (rent + energy + furniture)

I can tell you more about the town tomorrow, because we will visit the center with our tutorgroup, we also were invited to a pub tonight, but I'm quite tired, so i will not go there. See ya!

A special Blogentry for Magda

As i promised, here's your special birthday blog entry, just for you.

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
We all love you, and I already miss you here in Lappeenranta.
So hopefully we will meet soon, and never forget there is always a special place for you :)

I don't remember the video you want to have, so i put this one here. Because the text is perfect for you:

Horace andy
You are my angel
Come from way above
To bring me love

Her eyes
Shes on the dark side
Neutralize every man in sight

Love you, love you, love you...

You are my angel
Come from way above

Love you, love you, love you...


Welcome Party for the Exchange students

No, this is not the Welcome Party in our new university, it was the welcome party for the exchange students in Joensuu. But we were invited, so we were there. As the core of the whole show, also called Finn Veterans :) we took our place on a table on the stage *gg*

However, while the exchange students did some games to know each other better, we got our beers an songs and party on the stage. They all left very early to go to the pub. We followed them 2 hours later, but nobody was there, so we again partied on our own.

There's not much more to say about the evening, i went home by bike, Roman, James, Cuba and Magda went to their apartment and ended the party there. Magda had here birthday yesterday, but i promised to do a separate blog entry for that....

Samstag, August 25, 2007

Trip to Savonlinna

Today Zdenek, Eliska, James, Magda and I made a trip to Savonlinna. We wanted to visit the castle and have a look at the center of the town.

It was a very nice trip, the castle is very nice. After the tour we were eating on a boat-restaurant. Of course Zdenek, Eliska and I have choosen some fish. I have choosen a salmon, which was prepared in a old traditional way. The salmon is "nailed" to a board and it is grilled over a open fire place. It was very delicious. The price was 16 euros. On the first sight this sounds very expensive, but you have salad, bread, water and coffee in the price included. For example in Austria we will maybe pay 14 euros for this lunch, but also 2,50 or more for the coffee. And in this case you also can take as much as you like. So all together i think in Austria you will pay the same.

After that we went home. On the way home Zdenek (who is a hunter) saw a dead animal on the road and wanted to know what is was. So i stopped and he looked for the animal. It was a wolverine. A very rare animal here in Finland. Zdenek wouldn't be a hunter, if he can't take a piece of this poor animal with him. So he wanted to cut of the head and take it with him *gg*, but finally the skull was broken and he decided to throw it away..... (later on he recognized that it was not a wolverine, but a raccon dog)

That's all, photos are online, and what ever you think about the last photos in the album,... they are fake *g*

In the evening there is a party, but i think i will rest, because tomorrow there is also a big, huge party (~ 100 students).

Farewell Party

The EILC has ended, and the last official act was the farewell party on Friday evening. It started at 18 o'clock. First we heard a cello "concert" from one of our students, Antton from Spain. After that all our teachers (Tapio, Maija, Jenni) and the course secretary (Hanna) competed against each other in some games, which were created by us students.

First of all we played one song (mp3) from each country, and the teachers have to guess which country it is. Second was a dancing contest with three different kinds of dances, which the teachers have to dance. Third there was a pantomimic game, we presented some words (actions from the course) as pantomime, the teachers have to guess what it is. Then they have to dance to a really stupid song, this song is so stupid, that it is again very funny *g* (btw. there is a video of this dancing in my photo album). Then we sang a song for the teachers with the melody of "Bruder Jakob". In the end the teachers got their prices and their presents.

But that was not all. The teachers has also something prepared. On the beginning of the evening we saw a presentation with some good photos. They also had some special prices prepared for "extra-ordinary" performance.

First their was a price for the person who was most unpunctual. The price was a clock *bg*, the price went to Spain (who else ;) ), exactly to Christi. Then their was a price for the best male and female hitter in our baseball game, Zdenek and Kati got those prices, best in class performance went to Adam - Dimitris and Sophia, best "quizmaster" was Eva, best pronunciations was Magda, best rowing performance male and female was Cuba and Sophie, best exam was Marion (99,5 / 100 points), service performance (for the church) was James, best Sauna performance male and female was Gladis and Immo, best weather forecast was Immo, smiling face of the EILC2007 was Marina (Italy)...

And guess what, i got a price too !!!!
You will never, never, never guess for what.
I got a price for best male performance in the .... Finnish cooking session *rofl*
(Silvia got the womens price)

After that we gave our tutor Veera a present, one original Austrian white wine and a funny cup. The cup was fully written with blond jokes :) guess which hair color Veera has. But we know that she understood this joke, hyvin kiitos Veera for your support and for being their when we needed you. (especially at the parties)

And that's were it ended.

No, not really. At 23 o'clock we went to an island in the river near the center. This island is called Ilosaari, the translation is "fun island". We spent the rest of the evening and a part of the night there. (photos already online)
Zdenek and I walked home by foot. It took us 1,5 hour for ~5km, because of my injury.

I'm sure i forgot a lot, and maybe i have to re-write something, but for the moment that's all. It was an awesome evening!!!!

Thanks a lot again to all our teachers and a special thanks to Tapio. Also thanks to the tutors and thank you and good luck to my friends and colleagues who has already left Joensuu to go to their universities.

Donnerstag, August 23, 2007

Nr. 1 video of the EILC2007 course

For insiders, there's not much more to say, just watch:

Leevi And The Leavings - Pohjois-Karjala

*gg*, nice special effects!

Day Nr 14 of EILC - exam results

Today we got our results from the exam yesterday.
I have got a 4 and Roman got a 5 !!

Don't worry, in Finland the grades count in reverse order. So 5 is the best and 1 is the worst *gg*. This means, we both did our exam very well. Me 92 of 100 points and Roman 96 of 100 points (Streber?! *gg*). The final grade will be published tomorrow, because the oral part of the exam and the course activity will also count to the final grade. So I hope i get my 5 ;) (That's really the first time i work on it to get a 5)
But I'm also happy with a 4 if this is the final one.

The rest of the day was gaming. We did some outdoor games, for example on the parking area we did human Pac-Man. It was totally funny, and in the end our EILC group, called "HölökynKölökyn" has won 2:0 against the other EILC group called "Ruisvoikaleipä".

There's not much more planned for today, so hopefully i can sleep some hours. Tomorrow will be the last day of EILC ;( and in the evening our Farewell Party, so more news tomorrow.

Update: i put some more photos in my webalbum.

Day Nr 13 of EILC - exam and party night

Sooooooo, what do i have to say today.... a lot....

First we had our exam in the morning. It was 45 minutes of written exam and 10 minutes of oral exam. In my opinion i passed it, hopefully I'm right :)

There's not much more to tell about the course today, we just had one presentation of Veera about Finnish stereotypes.

In the evening we had a Finnish Baseball game. Hell, this was a lot of fun. We were really good. Everything was fine 'till i hurt my leg. It is not good to run a lot with my weight. So my leg is hurt, really hurt, i think my muscle has some kind of scratch.
Whatever! I hope it is better tomorrow.

After the game we had a party in Rantakylla. First we were at Kubas flat, but after the police arrived, we changed the location to the "beach" at the river nearby. It was a lot of fun, even with the pain in my foot. (actually beer is a really good painkiller). Nevertheless, one of the things happened there was Emilia when she felt into the river *gg*, sorry but thats really funny. Thanks Eliska and Immo for saving her. I hope you will get no cold on that Emilia.

Maybe i will publish some photos, it was dark so there will not be many of them. But now its nearly 2am, that means i wanna sleep now, so good night and see äh read you tomorrow.

Dienstag, August 21, 2007

News on Nightwish

Nightwish have published their new Video. You can find it here:
Nightwish - Amaranth

More information on their tour can you find here:
Nightwish MySpace

The plans to go to a concert here in Finland are still alive. As favorite location we have chosen Joensuu, because we know this town already and it would be a nice reason to meet the EILC people again.

Two more Links with Photos

Today i also wanna give you two more links where you can find more photos from EILC2007. One site is from Eliska (Czech Republic) and the other one is from Tobias (Germany), so watch them out.

Tobias Simon Blog and Photos
Eliska Photogallery

Day Nr 12 of EILC

Today we had a grammar review in the morning. Then we had a practice exam. I passed this one, so hopefully the real exam tomorrow will be similar to this one. I will give you more information if I passed the real exam tomorrow. Today evening there is a Finnish movie night, but i will skip that one, to do more learning. I really want to pass the exam, and the practice exam today showed me my weaknesses. So that's the plan for today. Not much news, but hang on, there will be a baseball game tomorrow evening and a party afterwards, so there will be a lot more to tell you tomorrow.

Day Nr 11 of EILC

Yesterday on Monday, we did a grammar review and some other stuff. Not much to tell about it. We also had a presentation of the Finnish nature, how it was developed and what it looks like.

On the afternoon I did some grammar and vocabulary. That's all to say about this day.

Sonntag, August 19, 2007


There are only five days left in the EILC 2007 in Joensuu and only three days to the exam. We don't really know what we should expect from the exam. Is it very difficult? Or is it easy done? I don't know. I would say that I'm a bit afraid of the exam. But there are still two days left to study, so hopefully everything will be ok.

Only one week left, then Roman and I will go to Lappeenranta. Finally we got the contact details of our tutor and the address where we will life then. It is about 2km from the Center and about 4km from the university. We will get a flat in the 2005/06 renovated houses, so i hope they will be better then the one we have in Joensuu, we will see.

Joensuu is very beautiful, so Lappeenranta has a lot to do to become number 1 town. A really funny thing is, that our tutor's surname starts with Karhu. It stands for bear, but also for a Finnish Beer.

Samstag, August 18, 2007

Bike Trip to the Bunker Museum

Today we did a bike trip to the bunker museum in Joensuu. It's about 6km from the university, this makes ~23 kilometers in a whole (Including the way from Latonlakatu to the university and all back). Everyone at home who knows me, know that i'm not a biker, but even i did it. Ok, i can't sit any more and i'm done, but the trip was worth all the "pain".

The weather was perfect and a lot of people joined the group. I guess we were about 20 students and tutors/teachers. The nature here is really fantastic and on the bike you have the time to enjoy it all.

Our trip went to the Bunker Museum on the western side of Joensuu. It was part of the Finnish defense line in 1940/44 during the second World War. Fortunately there was never a reason to use it, because the Russian never attacked Finland at this time. (not this "far" inside of Finland)

So we walked through all the bunkers and get some history review from our guide. Afterwards we were grilling some sausages on the fireplace and enjoyed the weather. After that we were heading home. I took a lot of photos from this day, so feel free to have a look at them in my gallery.

Tonight there is a party at Katis place. I will make my report tomorrow, so see ya then.

Day Nr 10 and end of week Nr 2 of EILC

Yesterday on Friday we did some exercises related to the grammar stuff we did earlier this week. Of course we have learned some new stuff, past tense in Finnish. But this will not be part of the exam, which is already in 4 (!) days.

That's one reason why i skipped the sauna evening (organized from the EILC Team) yesterday, to do some vocabulary. I'm not sure yet, if it was really useful *g*. Whatever, another reason was also my server problem at home. I spent three hours of supporting my friend at home to repair my server. It got broken two days after i have left Austria. So three hours later we found the real problem and hopefully Werner can repair it today, so that the server will go online on the evening. Thanks again to Werner for taking care of my server problems.

Oh, i forgot to mention the presentation we had after lunch. It was about the Kalevala Epic story (german version) (english version)
which is a important part of the Finnish history and culture. I didn't know what it was before this presentation, but i like it, because i like those mythic, magic thingi anyway :)
The influence of the Kalevala is also very present nowadays, you can see and hear it in a lot of different forms. One form is some Finnish music, that for Keisa showed us a video, and i will show you this video too:



und noch ein Folklore Beispiel:

Donnerstag, August 16, 2007

EILC day number nine

Outdoor practice. That was the topic for today. First we went to the park near the Yliopisto äh university to "build" a map of Europe. Every student was placed somewhere in the park to present his country. It was quite funny, because i didn't know, that Korneuburg is more far away from Steyr then the northern part of Germany.... :) (i put some photos from this session in my gallery, but there are not really much at the moment)

After that we had a little quiz, the problem was, i didn't understand a word *ggg*, ok, sometimes i caught a phrase. Then it was time for some exercises. In pairs we were heading to the marketplace in the city center, where we had to fulfill some tasks.

First of all we had to ask some native Finns for the name of some places. Of course we did that in Finnish :) In my opinion to ask the question is not the problem, but understanding the answer *gg*
But we managed it quite well.

One of our task was to ask in a travel agency when the next flight goes to Helsinki and what does it cost and if there is some student discount. The lady in the agency was very friendly and her Finnish was loud and clear. So we did this task also as well as the others. For those who are interested in the price, it was about 272 € and with student discount 103 € (without any taxes).

One of the funniest tasks was to find the longest Finnish word or name on the marketplace. After looking around we used a little trick to get the winning word. On the marketplace there is a free internet stall. We went there and typed in Google "the longest finnish word" and one result was:


Quote: .."The longest acceptable Finnish word is (according to the Finnish edition of Guinness Book of Records) which has 61 characters and translates approximately to technical warrant officer trainee specialized in aircraft jet engines. This word has actually been in use in the Finnish Air Force."

*rofl* theres not much more to say about this. Sorry guys to destroy your illusion with your 25 letters words. And sorry for using this trick, but it was on the marketplace :=)

After lunch there was a lot of free time, which i spent mostly with learning some vocabulary.

Thats it. See you tomorrow.

Day number eight on the EILC

On this day we did a lot of exercises dedicated to the weather and how to ask for and describe a way from the start to the target location. Therefor we did some Outdoor exercises.
After lunch we listened to a presentation from the European Union office about the Finns and what they think about the EU.

The rest of the afternoon was free time. Kuba, one of our polish friends, said, that he want to drink a beer in the evening. After that Emilia invited the EILC students from our street (Latonlakatu) to this "party". Many thanks Emilia (i was forced to thank her again :) ). That was the start signal for a party, because we invited the rest of the course group *bg*. We planned to do some grilling in the fireplace near our house. In the end there where nearly 25 people at the party, and again it was a lot of fun. Singing "Oh Tannenbaum.." in the summer is really a good preparation for the Finnish winter *lol*.

Thanks also to our forestry and grill master Zdenek ;), i also wanna thank our course members from the other side of the town for coming, we should repeat this very soon. Don't forget, on Friday there is Nighclub time, maybe after the beach? Or was it Saturday? Hmm, maybe we should do it on both days ;)

PS.: of course there are some photos from the grill party, they will be online soon.

Dienstag, August 14, 2007

EILC day number seven

There's not much news today. But you can guess what was new. Of course, again, some new grammar *gg*. Our teachers and tutors are really very dedicated to learn us this stuff, they do really well at the moment. Kiitos!

We also listened to a presentation about Finns, when, why and what to they speak. It was a nice and funny presentation about the communication in Finland. After that we had the chance to do some extra learning sessions in finnish grammar, i was there, cause i really need it.

For all of my friends who are waiting for photos or videos of me while i'm doing some finnish dancing.... Sorry, i didn't go there. It would have been fun, but i tried to do some learning. ('till yet i didn't do so, shame on me)

That's all for today, i'm not in the mood to write more than this, the laundry is also waiting.

Montag, August 13, 2007

EILC day number six

First of all, I got me a new bike!!!! In the morning i drove to the rental shop and asked if they have some bikes for rental. And lucky me, they did. And the best is, i got me a brandnew one. So i'm really happy about this, i brought my car back home after the course and walked back to fetch the bike. Why did i walk? Please don't ask, just another stupid story.

Ok, let's move on to the topic. Today we did again some grammar. I hope this grammar thingy will end soon and we do more communication. We also had a presentation about the great Saimaa lake. As i know, the great Saimaa lake is the fourth largest lake in Europe. It was a nice presentation.

After lunch we met at the Karelia Museum for a tour thru Karelien history. I took no photos, because it was not really sooo interesting, but it was ok. Afterwards i drove home with the bike and did, still doing, some finnish language stuff. Hopefully it will help *g*

Samstag, August 11, 2007

Koli National Park

Today we did our trip to the Koli National Park. We just arrived back in Joensuu, so i wanna tell you something about our day. It was really a awesome day. This park is really a nice play to relax and enjoy the nature. In Koli is the highest peak of North Karelia with the Ukko-Koli which has about nearly 400m. Hehe, as Austrian i know that this is not very high *gg*, but in my opinion, fins can be very proud of this park.

Of course we made a lot of photos. You will find them in my Online-Albums, just follow the link on the right at the top of the page. We had a lot of luck with the weather, it was sunny the whole day, till we came home to Joensuu. Then it started raining for the first time since nine days.

Today there's again a party in our street, but also one in another flat. We first go to the one in our street and decide then where to go. So have a nice weekend.

Freitag, August 10, 2007

I did it

Finally i shaved my head.
Believe it or not, with some help from Roman i shaved my head.
Don't worry, i'm not a wreck like Britney Spears, and it is not a hidden cry for help.

Is it looking stupid? I think not more stupid then it did before *gg*

You still don't believe it?

Here's the evidence:



I know Günther, don't laugh too loud :)
If you wanna see more, i documented it also in some videos :), but those are just for friends, so they have something to laugh about.

So, i'm officially bald now. But there's one big advantage, no two advantages, i will need less shampoo and i can dry my "hairs" on air *bg*

the fifth day of EILC

back again, to write down some stuff. There's not much to report today. First of all we did again(!) new grammar rules, phuuu. Good that i wasn't the only one who has a braindamage. After all it's just a matter of learning, so hopefully we will do a intensive learning session on sunday.

Before that we will go to Koli Nationalpark, as i mention in the blog entry before.
What did i do today. Not much. We were again in the language lab and we had a presentation about finnish movie history.

There was also a finnish movie evening, but i canceled that one, because i really needed a break. Time for good music and myself. There is also a beachparty running at the moment, but i also ignore this one :) free time, the first since days.

We will start a party tomorrow evening after koli nationalpark, so everyone (EILC) is invited to join us. Lucky me, i can sleep on sunday. That's all for today, sorry that i haven't more to tell.
Oh, i was shopping, bought me a dictionary and some school stuff, also some stuff to eat. Ok, thats not soooo interesting *g*

Roman and I will just drink one beer to close the first week EILC. Till tomorrow!!!

the fourth day of EILC

Yesterday we did just more grammar and grammar and grammar. It's really getting harder each day, so we decided to learn in the evening, for about one hour we did.
There's not much more to say about the course.

But what maybe interests you is, that we did on the afternoon some finish cooking lessons *gg*
Yeah, believe it or not, i cooked,.... eat it,... and I'm still alive. My photos from the cooking lesson are already in my gallery online, others will follow.

It was really funny to cook this finnish speciality. It is called "Piirakka". One kind of the Pirakka, you can fill it with rice, but also other things. You will find it here.

That's all important for that day. On saturday we will go to the Koli Nationalpark.

I also added Romans photos to the gallery, so there are new photos in the sightseeing tour album, a new webalbum called "official welcome party" and more photos and videos from the finnish cooking session, enjoy.

Donnerstag, August 09, 2007

The third day of EILC

wtf? I weared this t-shirt yesterday on the third day of EILC. And reminding on that grammatical stuff we did, it was the best choice to wear. (wtf? == What the fuck?, for those who don't know)
It is really difficult and thats why we decided to have a learning session on thursday. (We tried it on the same day, but you will hear soon why it didn't work)

Ok, there's not much to tell about the finnish lessons yesterday. We did some exercises in the outdoor area around the university. It was funny.

Whatever. After school we listened to a presentation about finnish history. Didn't believe that Finland has really a very interesting history, but they have. So we listened very carefully. Some maybe too carefully, because they nearly fell asleep *gg*

After the presentation we did a sightseeing tour thru Joensuu. After all i can say it was quite boring. Don't understand me wrong, Joensuu is a very nice town with a lot of beautiful places, but the sights are very rare. What normally takes 20 minutes cost us 1,3 hours. But i did some really nice photos, you can find them on MY GALLERY. I will add more, when Roman gets his cam back.

At home we had to do our first wash in the laundryroom. Thank god we brought a finnish dictionary with us, because without it we would have been lost, all the manuals are in finnish.
But we did manage it all, so now we can say that we suceeded.

After washing our clothes, we were invited to a "street party". It means that every EILC student was invited, who live in our street. (Latonlakatu)
I think there were about 10 peoples. We talked a lot and laughed a lot, it was a really nice party. Thx to Emilia and (sorry, don't remember the name right now)

We also drank the Schnaps i brought from Austria. Thanx to my friend Maxx on this way, he sponsored it. The party was really nice. There were also two finnish guys, Antti and Jani. They are really nice people, hopefully we can party again (sooner or later)
I was a bit disappointed about our spanish girl. They were really quiet. The spanish girls i know so far, where extremely spirited, but this ones wasn't. Girls, bring yourself more into the game, your are nice persons, we wanna talk to you ;)

I'm sorry that there are no photos available, nobody braught a cam. After drinking a lot, we went to bed.

For everyone who thinks that we are just here for parties. Your are wrong, of course we are also here to learn something ;)

Mittwoch, August 08, 2007

The second Day EILC


this is my first blog entry in english. There are two reasons why i wanna do this. First of course to improve my english, but i also wanna give my friends here in Finland the possibility to read what i have written :)

So, if there is any mistake you find, feel free to correct me, but please not in the commentsection, per ICQ or Skype would be better :)

Ok, let's go back to the topic. The second day EILC was quite challenging. Because we have started the first real finnish grammar session. We also got our first homework, we have to look up some stuff you can buy in a shop, like kiiwi, banaani, olut, jogurtti,...... of course those was the easiest ones to find, you can imagine.

We also did the basic stuff about numbers. And believe me, that's really funny. I write you down my Birthday in finnish words, watch that:

"kahdeksan . yhdeksän . tuhatyhdeksänsataseitsemänkymmentäkolme" --> 8.9.1973 *bg*
And yes i know that i'm the oldest one, except Tapio.

That's not all we did, but all i write down, i don't think that you wanna learn finnish with us *g*

So what did we do the rest of the day. Magda wanted to party (again *g*), so we decided to meet at the beach. We met there at 16 o'clock, because we have the official welcome party at 1800.

When you think of finland, you surely never think of beaches. But i can guarantee you, the beaches here are really fantastic and the water is just fine. I didn't have my swimming stuff with me, but someone (you can guess who it was), gave me a taste of it ;) (Of course i got my revenge *gg*) We just enjoyed the sun and the beachfeeling and afterwards we went to the official welcome party at the university.

There we'd listen to some finnisch traditionell music, with an instrument called "kandalla" (i hope i write it correctly). It was a very beautiful music, but the performer also played some modern stuff on it like metallica, real cool. Some speeches and a free meal later, it was 2100 and over.

But of course not over for this day. We all get together at a bar, which is on a boat (boat bar?), whatever, this is a very nice place to have some olut, äh beer.
After that i walked(!) home, with my bike.... yeah, i walked. Why? Because i cycled the whole day about 15kms, and believe me, my ass said, no more bike for today. :) The walk took me about 45 minutes i guess. Yes, some downhills i used my bike, so that's why i was so "fast".

I decided to repair my bike before i use it again, cause i need some air in my back tire. (but it does not work with a pump, already tried) But's ok, the day was finished, and believe me, theres enough to talk about the next day, but that will be a new entry.

Hopefully my english is not too bad, for my german friends it's time to refresh your english *gg*.
The photos of the day will be soon (i hope so) in my gallery.

ps.: internet is working now

Montag, August 06, 2007

Der erste RICHTIGE Tag im EILC

Heute war es soweit, unser erster richtiger Tag im EILC hat stattgefunden. Das soll heißen, dass wir heute das erste mal Finnisch gelernt haben. Und ich muss sagen, wtf?! Für die, die die Abkürzung kennen brauch ich net mehr sagen, für die die sie nicht kennen sag ich, es war ziemlich schwierig.

Angefangen haben wir mit den Basics. Also "Mein Name ist.." (Minä nimi on Harald.) "Ich komme aus..." (Minä tulen Itävalta..)
Auf jedenfall noch zaaahlreiche andere Dinge. Seeehr viel für den ersten Tag, aber ok. Roman und ich haben beschlossen deshalb heute noch a bissi zu lernen.

Was noch, JA wir haben endlich ein Fahrrad. Heute für 20 Euros haben wir uns jeder ein Rad gekauft. Wichtig dabei ist, eines zu finden wo zumindest eine Bremse funktioniert :) Natürlich wird es auch einmal ein Foto von dem Rad geben, falls es nicht schon weg ist bis dorthin, hab nämlich noch kein Schloss. Gekauft haben wir das ganze bei so ner Art Sozialladen, also mit Dingen für Sozialbedürftige.

Außerdem hab ich mir das billigste Handy für Wertkartentelefonie gekauft, kostete 49€ und ist ein Nokia. Aja, und ich hab mir auch ein finnisches Bankkonto eröffnet, wegen den zahlreichen Transaktionen hier, wurde das empfohlen.

Das wars für heute.

Die Fotogalerie hab ich noch mit den Partyfotos ergänzt, ich hoffe ich erhalte den Rest noch, dann wird aufgefüllt.

Finisches Baseballspiel

Gestern Sonntag den 06.08 haben wir ein finnisches Baseballspiel besucht. Eins mal vorweg, für die Leute die Baseball kennen, finnisches Baseball ist gaaaanz anders.

Zuerst einmal ist der Werfer nicht auf dem Wurfhügel, sondern steht dort wo auch der Schlagmann steht. Er wirft den Ball in die Luft, oder kann ihn zu den Teamkollegen werfen. Der Ball muss so geworfen werden, dass wenn er runterfallen würde innerhalb des markierten Kreises aufkommt. Der Schläger muss den Ball spielen wenn er gerade in die Luft geht. Manche Regeln bleiben allerdings gleich, zB.: wenn einer läuft und Ball wird gefangen, Feldbegrenzung, usw...

Die Feldbegrenzung allerdings hört auch nach hinten auf. Sowas wie einen Homerun gibt es in Finnland nicht.

Es ist wirklich ganz was anderes, aber hat doch Spass gemacht zu zu schauen. Bald bekommen wir die Gelegenheit selbst einmal zu spielen, freu mich schon.
Das dazugehörige FotoWebalbum findet ihr in meiner Gallerie.

Danach haben wir dann nichts mehr gemacht. Ich selbst hab Halsweh und hoffe, dass es ohne Doktorbesuch weggeht.

Sonntag, August 05, 2007

Infos zu Joensuu

Wie gesagt befinden wir uns das erste Monat in Joensuu um den EILC zu absolvieren. Wer generell mehr Infos zu Joensuu möchte wird auf der Homepage fündig. Die Seite gibt es allerdings nur auf Englisch. Es gibt auch eine Webcam, die in gewissen Zeitabständen Bilder von diversen Lokationen überträgt.

Joensuu Webseite
Joensuu Webcam

Server Status

Hallo, denjenigen die mir E-Mails an meine private Adresse schicken wollen, oder denjenigen die meine Homepage aufgesucht haben, wird aufgefallen sein, dass beides nicht funktioniert. Mein Server ist kurz nach meiner Abreise in die Knie gegangen. Muss warten bis der Werner vom Urlaub retour ist, er wird sich dem Problem annehmen. Bitte einstweilen eine meiner anderen Adressen verwenden, welche ich euch gern auf Anfrage geben werde.

Ansonsten Skype --> HarrytheBrain, oder ICQ. Thx.

Der erste Tag EILC - Party Night

Wie versprochen möcht ich ein bisschen was über die Party am Abend des ersten Tages erzählen. Von unserer Gruppe ins Leben gerufen, haben wir uns am Abend gegen 19 Uhr in der Kirkkokatu (Kirkko = Kirche, Katu = Strasse) getroffen. Die Strasse heisst so, wie der Name vermuten lässt, da an beiden Enden der Strasse jeweils eine Kirche steht. Wir haben uns bei der Kirche getroffen, die am Fluß liegt, dem südlichen Ende der Strasse.

Dort, zwischen Kirche und Fluß ist eine große Wiese, welche ein Treffpunkt für die jungen Einheimischen ist zum Vorglühen, Picknicken, Spielen und diversen anderen Aktivitäten. Wir ham uns dort also ins grüne Gras gesetzt und die diversen mitgebrachten Getränke geleert. Von unserer Gruppe kamen Magda, Ben, James und ich und von den anderen Gruppen kam noch die Französin, deren Name mir spontan nicht einfallen mag, und noch zwei Tutorinnen, zusätzlich zu unserer Veera.

Dort haben wir dann über Gott und die Welt gequatscht und die ein oder andere finnische Phrase aufgeschnappt. Meine neue Lieblingsphrase ist hierbei "Hölökyn Kölökyn", was nicht wirklich übersetzt werden kann *g*, man ruft es sich zu, wenn man anstoßt, vergleichbar also mit dem Prost, allerdings eben nicht eins zu eins übersetzbar. Es sieht leichter aus es auszusprechen, als es tatsächlich ist *bg*.

James, unser Engländer, hat uns versucht zu erklären warum englische Frauen alle häßlich und oberflächlich sind, was wirklich sehr amüsant war. Veera hingegen, die Arme, hat uns erklärt das Finnland eine etwas ungünstige Lage hat, da alle Frauen in Schweden wunderschön sind (zumindest vom Gesicht) und das andere Nachbarland Russland, dort haben die Frauen alle einen perfekten Körper und sehen noch dazu gut aus, tja, und Finnland ist mitten drin. Ich glaub sie hat etwas übertrieben *g*, weil mein bisheriger Eindruck hier, ist durchaus kein schlechter. Zumindest hat sie gesagt, dass finnische Frauen niemals fremdgehen, wir waren da eher skeptisch, vor allem da es von einer Frau kam. Es gab sehr viel zu lachen.

Wir haben also alle mitgebrachten Flaschen, Dosen usw. leer gemacht. Was James nicht ganz so gut bekommen ist *ggg*, er hat sozusagen als erster die Segel gestrichen. Der Typ war sooo dicht, dass wir ihn per Taxi heimschicken mussten, bevor wir uns auf den Weg in die Bar gemacht haben.

Mitunter ein Grund war sicher der polnische Wodka, den die Magda bei sich hatte :), möglicherweise aber auch an unseren Billigwodka aus Deutschland *g*

Auf der Wiese haben wir erstmals auch mit den Moskitos Bekanntschaft gemacht, die stellenweise ziemlich lästig waren, aber man gewöhnt sich ziemlich rasch daran.

Der Rest ist also noch in die Bar gegangen, wo wir (!) noch etwas getanzt haben (ok, ich wurde gezwungen) und einen Sederi getrunken haben. (Rechtschreibfehler vorbehalten, weiß jetzt nicht wie man das schreibt) Die Veera hat mir versucht zu erklären was genau das ist, im Endeffekt irgendwas mit Apfel, keine Ahnung, es war jedenfalls nicht schlecht. Dieses "Cocktail" hatte 4,70 gekostet.

Nachdem wir die Bar verlassen haben, hat sich dann alles aufgelöst. Roman und ich hatten noch das Vergnügen das Fahrrad von James nach Hause zu bringen, da er im selben Haus wohnt wie wir. Klingt einerseits nicht tragisch, wer allerdings weiß wie weit die Entfernung ist, naja, wir waren betrunken und deshalb war es uns ziemlich wurscht. Stellenweise sind wir gefahren, bzw. haben wir versucht zu fahren, Roman am "Packerlträger" *gg* ohne Worte.

Ich glaub wir haben in etwa eine Stunde benötigt, vielleicht auch mehr.

Eine wichtige Information nebenbei, in Finnland ist es nicht verboten betrunken mit dem Fahrrad zu fahren. Wenn es wirklich zu extrem wird, dann kriegt man eine Empfehlung das Fahrrad doch lieber zu schieben. (Ansonsten 0,5 Promillegrenze beim Auto)

Zuhause angekommen gab es dann noch eine kleine Überraschung, James hat es nur bis zur dritten Stiege geschafft und ist dort eingeschlafen. Ihn also noch in sein Zimmer schleppend, sind wir dann auch ins Bett gefallen. Ich glaub einen ersten Tag kann man nicht recht viel besser verplanen.

Freu mich schon auf die nächsten Events, der nächste ist bereits am Sonntag, dann gehen wir nämlich vom EILC aus zu einem Baseball Spiel der heimischen Mannschaft. Anscheinend ist Baseball hier, mit Eishockey zusammen der beliebteste Sport. Roman hat schon früher ein erneutes Vergnügen, deren Gruppe trifft sich mit deren Tutorin bei ihr zu Hause (leider nur deren Gruppe --> Buuh)

Fotos zur Party gibts wie immer in meinen Webalben, die müssen wir aber noch einsammeln dann stell ichs rauf.

Thx to my group and to Veera, it was really a lot of fun, and hopefully we can repeat it soon.

And James, as i told you, english man just can't drink :)

Der erste Tag EILC - Orientation Day

Nach unserer Ankunft blieb uns nicht viel Zeit, bis der EILC tatsächlich gestartet ist. Besser gesagt, der EILC began am 03.08, also am nächsten Morgen um 0900. Roman und ich sind, bis auf eine Ausnahme die ersten in der Uni. Der Rest trudelte so fünf Minuten vor Beginn ein.

Im EILC stehen uns insgesamt drei Lehrer und vier Tutoren zur Verfügung. Der Kursleiter ist der Tapio. Was zu Beginn gleich einmal sehr positiv aufgefallen ist, es standen auf den Namenskärtchen keine Nachnamen. Tapio erklärte uns, dass zwischen Professoren und Studenten auf einer finnischen Universität ein sehr freundschaftliches Verhältnis gepflegt wird und sich daher jeder beim Vornamen anspricht.

Das Publikum des EILC ist bunt durchgemischt. Am dominantesten sind dabei Polen, Spanien und Deutschland vertreten, mit in etwa fünf Leuten pro Land (von 32 insgesamt). Weiters gibt es noch Tschechien, England, Belgien, Frankreich, Italien, Griechenland, Ungarn und natürlich Österreich, was er beim aufzählen gleich mal vergessen hätte, aber das haben wir dann eh nicht zugelassen J

Wie man nur unschwer erkennen kann ein buntes Völkchen.

Wie erwartet haben sich zu Beginn erst einmal die gleichsprachigen Leute zusammen gefunden. Um dem etwas entgegen zu wirken, wurden die späteren vier Gruppen so eingeteilt, dass die Länder, so gut wie möglich gemischt werden, was ich für sehr vorteilhaft halte. (Wobei der Roman und ich auch im privaten Bereich öfters Englisch zu sprechen.)

Die Aufteilung hat mich mit zwei Polinnen, zwei Spanierinnen, einer Ungarin, einem Deutschen und einem Engländer zusammengebracht. Die Gruppe hat sich sehr schnell als sehr nett herausgestellt und das liegt nicht nur am Frauenanteil. Als Tutorin wurde uns Veera zugeteilt. Der erste Eindruck den ich über Veera hatte, nämlich das sie ganz sicher ein Partygirl ist, sollte sich nur wenig später als wahr herausstellen :)

Grund für die Gruppeneinteilung war folgende, jede Gruppe macht mit dem zugeteilten Tutor einen Rundgang durch die Uni und einen Rundgang durch die Stadt, um die wichtigsten Dinge erledigen zu können. Der Uni Rundgang war eher für die Leute gedacht, die im Anschluß an den EILC an der Uni bleiben.

Der zweite Teil war also der Rundgang durch die Stadt. Einerseits um zu erfahren wo man ein finnisches Bankkonto erstellen kann, eine Wertkarte fürs Handy zu kaufen, zu sehen wo und ob es Fahrräder zu mieten/kaufen gibt und vieles mehr.

Fahrräder sind hier in Finnland sehr beliebt und dementsprechend hatten wir leider Pech, da alle Räder vermietet waren. Nur noch Räder zum Kaufen gibt es, was wir wahrscheinlich auch machen werden. Ein Rad zu kaufen kostet ab 20 Euro aufwärts. Ein Rad zu mieten kostet 7 Euros für ein Monat, oder 35 Euros für sechs Monate, also sehr billig.

Hier in Joensuu, oder wahrscheinlich generell Finnland, gibt es große Second-Hand Shops. Diese Shops verkaufen alles mögliche, vom TV-Sessel über die Kaffeemaschine bis hin zum Schuhwerk. Und das alles zu einem echten Schnäppchenpreis. Beispielsweise kostet ein Ledersessel fürs Wohnzimmer 15 Euros, oder ein Leder TV-Sessel 25 Euros, Vorhänge 2 - 4 Euros. Eine gute Alternative für diejenigen die etwas Geld sparen wollen.

Was für uns natürlich noch wichtig war, sind diverse Bars und andere Locations. Und spätestens zu diesem Zeitpunkt kam die "Erfahrung" von Veera voll zur Geltung *gg*

Sie hat uns jede Menge Bars im Zentrum von Joensuu gezeigt, welche echt super zum Fortgehn sind. In finnischen Bars ist zu beachten, dass es stellenweise ein Mindestalter gibt. Manche Lokale darf man ab 18 betreten, andere wiederum mit 19 oder 21 Jahren. Meistens gilt diese Beschränkung an den Wochenenden, wo es dann auch sehr häufig Eintritt zu zahlen gibt.

Bei dem Rundgang durch die Stadt, haben wir dann auch gleich mal beschlossen eine spontane Party am Abend zu veranstalten. Dazu sollte ich allerdings wieder in einem eigenen Beitrag schreiben, weil das würde diesen Text noch mehr in die Länge ziehen :)

Zum Abschluß sind wir dann noch in eine der zahlreichen Mensas essen gegangen. Das Essen war sehr gut (man kann sich hier selber die gewollten Mengen aufs Teller legen). Das Menü inklusive Salat und so weiter, kostet mit der Studentenkarte 2,15 Euros, was wie sich jeder denken kann, seeeehr billig ist.

Der erste Tag war sehr toll, die Leute sind Klasse und ich freu mich auf eine tolle Zeit hier in Finnland. Achja, was mir etwas zu bedenken gegeben hat, war die Aussage des Kursleiters "..for a foreigner it is impossible to learn finnish, but.." *g*

Inzwischen kann ich allerdings schon ein paar Wörter bzw. Phrasen, eine der wichtigsten ist natürlich Kahvy und Sokkeri (Kaffee und Zucker), oder Kiitos für Danke, oder isotuopi (Ein großes Bier bitte).... und noch einiges mehr, die coolste Phrase kommt passend dazu im Eintrag der Party *g*

PS.: Diejenigen die hoffen mich auf einem Tanzvideo in finnischer Folklore zu sehen, müssen bangen. Der "Tanzkurs" ist nicht offizieller Teil des EILCs, die Teilnahme ist daher freiwillig *g*, ebenso freiwillig ist eine Kanufahrt, leider sind dort nur 8 Plätze frei, es wird sich also herausstellen, ob ich einer von den 8 sein werde, gemeldet hab ich mich (Roman auch). Generell wird sehr viel außerhalb des offiziellen Teils angeboten, so dass wir nach der offiziellen Schulzeit 9-13 Uhr noch jede Menge Vorträge, Ausflüge usw. machen bzw. besuchen können. Der Plan ist meist bis 18 Uhr voll und manchmal darüber hinaus mit offenem Ende.

Samstag, August 04, 2007

Study Abroad in Finnland beginnt - Anreise

Es ist endlich soweit. Mein erster Blogeintrag aus Finnland ist im Entstehen. Allerdings ist das Ganze nur möglich, weil unser russischer Mitbewohner seine Internetverbindung mit uns teilt, bis unsere funktioniert.

Zuerst einmal. So weit so gut, die Reise haben wir gut überstanden und die ersten Fotos gibt es auch schon. Ich bin mir noch gar nicht sicher ob ich alles in einen Eintrag packen sollte, da es doch ziemlich viel zu erzählen gibt. Ich beginnen mal mit unserer Anreise.

Am 30.07 gegen 14 Uhr bin ich mit meinem Auto zum Roman nach Korneuburg aufgebrochen. Irgendwie hab ich es geschafft bis Tulln noch richtig zu fahren, aber da war ein Strassenschild nach Klosterneuburg. Tja, irgendwie kommt da ja auch Korneuburg drin vor, werd ich mir wohl so gedacht haben, denn anders ist es nicht zu erklären, dass ich dorthin gefahren bin *gg*

Somit bin ich mal 20 Minuten später als geplant angekommen, aber egal. Wir haben dann dort noch in Roman seine Sachen um- und eingeschlichtet. Meine Nachricht an den Harry, der das Auto nach Schweden steuert, drei Personen und zwei davon sind Frauen, VERGISS ES. Was auf gut deutsch übersetzt heisst, dass wir bis oben hin voll waren bei komplett umgelegten Rücksitzen. Und das zu Zweit und Männer :)

Nichts desto trotz, gings also dann mal Richtung Wien Westbahnhof, dort haben wir uns ca. zwei Stunden vor Check-In schon bei einer beachtlichen Schlange anstellen können. Nach dem wir auf dem Autozug aufgefahren sind, haben wir dann eine zwölfstündige Fahrt mit dem Zug genossen. Also von 1955 bis 800 Uhr. In Hamburg-Altona angekommen haben wir mit Hamburg selbst nicht viel Zeit "verschwendet", da es ohnedies für einen halben Tag zuviel gewesen wäre.

Deshalb sind wir gleich nach Travemünde gefahren, wo der Fährhafen ist. Zuerst einmal haben wir uns direkt am Hafen umgesehn. Da der Check-In erst gegen 2130 war, haben wir beschlossen noch was zu unternehmen. Zuerst haben wir uns Travemünde angesehen, was echt ein nettes Dörfchen ist. Dort haben wir auch zu Mittag gegessen. Wenn wir schon am Meer sind, haben wir uns gedacht wir machen noch nen Ausflug zum Strand.

In dem Fall hat sich der Immendorfer Strand, bzw. die Ortschaft Immendorfer Strand geradezu angeboten. Dort haben wir im Sand etwas gefaulenzt, bis wir beschlossen haben noch zusätzlichen Alkohol zu kaufen. Für die Interessierten unter euch: Als EU Einwohner aus einem der "alten" EU Staaten, ist die Einfuhr absolut unbeschränkt *g*
Wir ham also noch eine Menge Alkohol eingekauft und sind dabei auch an einem Vogelpark vorbeigekommen. Wir haben beschlossen den natürlich auch noch anzugucken. Trotz doch recht stolzen Preis von 7 Euros Eintritt, finden wir im Abschluss, dass es das Geld schon wert war. Ihr könnt euch ja selbst bei den zahlreichen Fotos und manchen Video selbst davon überzeugen.

Apropo, die ganzen Fotos sind unter diesem LINK zu finden, oder ihr klickt einfach im Blog oben rechts drauf.

Ok, weiter gehts. Wir haben also gegen 2030, oder 2130 eingecheckt bei der Fähre, und mussten dann noch bis 23 Uhr warten, bis wir in die Fähre reinfahren durften. Um 3 Uhr früh hat die Fähre dann abgelegt und uns auf einen 27-stündigen Trip geführt. Die Fähre selbst war echt toll, nette kleine Bars, Sonnendeck, Shop, usw... Das Zimmer war auch ok, obwohl der Ersteindruck doch ziemlich beengt war :) Wir haben die Fahrt sehr genossen. Gegen 7 Uhr früh am 2.8 sind wir dann in Helsinki eingefahren, zum selben Zeitpunkt wie unser Frühstück war. Man kann sich vorstellen, dass der Eindruck ziemlich nett war, während dem Frühstück durch die Scheibe die Einfahrt zu beobachten.

Rein ins Auto und runter von der Fähre. Dort gleich mal die erste Tankstellen besucht, da es Gerüchteweise geheißen hat, die Distanzen sind sooo groß zwischen den Tankstellen. Tatsächlich hat man alle paar Kilometer eine, zumindest ist das hier im Süden/Mitte so. Der Liter Diesel kostet in etwas das was er in Österreich kostet, stellenweise unter 1 Euro. Achja, unser Weg führt uns natürlich nach Joensuu, wo wir unseren EILC Sprachkurs absolvieren. Insgesamt waren das noch einmal in etwa 440km zu fahren. Bereits bei der Herfahrt hat sich die wunderschöne Natur von ihrer besten Seite gezeigt. Viel Wald und viel Wasser *g*

In Joensuu angekommen sind wir gleich zur Studentenheimverwaltung gefahren, um uns zu Registrieren und um den Schlüssel zur Wohnung, bzw. zum Zimmer zu erhalten. Das ging alles relativ flott. Wir mussten noch viel Papierkram erledigen. Ein Parkplatz kostet 5 Euros und Internet für 1 Monat kostet 20 Euros. In unserem Haus bedeutet das, Internet per WLAN. Man muss dazu seine MAC-Adresse angeben, welche dann freigeschalten wird. Das war letzten Donnerstag, heute ist Samstag und Internet funktioniert noch nicht ^^

Joensuu macht einen sehr netten Eindruck, was sich später noch deutlicher bemerkbar machte, dazu allerdings in einem eigenen Eintrag mehr dazu. Beim Haus angekommen, haben wir uns gleich mal ziemlich erschrocken. Soooo toll ist das Zimmer nicht. Damit mein ich nicht die Lage, oder die Größe. Die Bude selbst ist einfach, naja. Ich sag nur, 1 Monat halte ich das aus *g*
Für die "Möblierung" ham wir 15 Euros gezahlt, und für ein Survival Package (Teller, Pfannen, Besteck, Bettüberzug usw...) 17 Euros. Ein Trost ist, das das Zimmer nicht einmal 160 Euros kostet im Monat.

Ein Nachteil ist allerdings die doch sehr weite Entfernung von der Universität. Wir haben deshalb beschlossen uns Räder zu mieten/kaufen. Die Miete für ein Rad kostet im Monat 7 Euros. Was also nicht wirklich schlimm ist. Zu kaufen gibt es Räder ab 20 Euros, allerdings wird sich das wohl nicht auszahlen, da wir ja Ende des Monats nach Lappeenranta fahren. Mal sehen.

Ok, was gibts noch zu sagen. Na klar, das Wichtigste, die Preise. Dazu im nächsten Eintrag mehr.

Und nochmal zum Schluss, MEHR Fotos findet ihr unter diesem LINK zu finden, oder ihr klickt einfach im Blog oben rechts drauf.